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Contact Information:0551-63607745



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Current position: Home >> Teaching
Teaching at UW-Madison(Fall 2012-Spring 2018)


Spring of 2018, Math 951, Seminars/Topics in Geometric Analysis.

Fall of 2017, Math 461, College Geometry I.

Spring of 2017, Math 461, College Geometry I.

Spring of 2017, Math 765, Differential Geometry.

Fall of 2016, Math 461, College Geometry I.

Spring of 2016, Math 240, Discrete mathematics.

Spring of 2016, Math 319, Differential equations.

Fall of 2015, Math 761, Differentiable manifolds.

Fall of 2015, Math 340, Elementary matrix and linear algebra.

Spring of 2015, Math 234, Calculus III.

Fall of 2014, Math 865, Advanced topics in geometry.

Fall of 2014, Math 234, Calculus III.

Spring of 2014, Math 722, Complex analysis.

Fall of 2013, Math 222, Calculus and Analytic Geometry 2.

Spring of 2013, Math 320, Differential Equations & Linear Algebra.

Spring of 2013, Math 820, Partial Differential Equations.

Fall of 2012, Math 320, Differential Equations & Linear Algebra.