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[11]The local entropy along Ricci flow---part A: the no-local-collapsing theorems, Cambridge Journal of Mathematics, vol. 6(2018), no, 3, 267-346.
[12]K\"ahler-Ricci flow, K\"{a}hler-Einstein metric and K-stability, (in collaboration with S. Song, X.X.Chen), Geometry and Topology, vol. 22(2018), no. 6, 3145-3173.
[13]Regularity scales and convergence of the Calabi flow,(in collabration with H.Z. Li, K. Zheng), The Journal of Geometric Analysis, vol. 28(2018), no 3, 2050-2101.
[14]Space of Ricci flows(II)---part A: moduli of singular Calabi-Yau space,(in collaboration with X.X.Chen), Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, vol. 5(2017).
[15]On the structure of almost Einstein manifolds,(in collaboration with G.Tian), Journal of American Mathematical Society, vol. 28(2015), no. 4, 1169-1209.
[16]On the conditions to extend Ricci flow(III),(in collaboration with X.X.Chen), Int. Math. Res. Notices, Vol. 2013, no. 10, 2349-2367.
[17]On the conditions to extend Ricci flow(II),Int. Math. Res. Notices, Vol. 2012, no. 14, 3192-3223.
[18]Space of Ricci flows(I),(in collaboration with X.X.Chen), Communications in Pure and Applied Math, vol. 65(2012), no. 10, 1399-1457.
[19]The K\"{a}hler Ricci flow on Fano manifolds (I),(in collaboration with X.X.Chen), Journal of European Mathematical Society, vol. 14(2012), no.6, 2001-2038.
[20]The K\"{a}hler Ricci flow on Fano surfaces (I),(in collaboration with X.X.Chen), Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 270(2012), no 1-2, 577-587.