Qiang Zheng, Wen-ge Wang, Xiaoping Zhang, and Zhongzhou Ren, “Relativelylong time decay of Loschmidt echo of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a double-well potential”, Eur. Phys. J. D 58,275-279 (2010)
Release time:2021-07-28
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- Pre One:Zhihao Xiao, Lewei He, and Wen-ge Wang, “Efficiency of dynamical decoupling sequences in presence of pulse errors”, Phys.Rev.A, 83, 032322 (2011)
- Next One:Wen-ge Wang, Pinquan Qin, Lewei He, and Ping Wang, “Semiclassical Approach to Survival Probability at Quantum Phase Transitions”, Phys. Rev. E, 81, 016214(1-5)(2010)