Lewei He and Wen-ge Wang, ``Statistically preferred basis of an open quantum system: Its relation to the eigenbasis of a renormalized self-Hamiltonian'', Phys.Rev.E 89, 022125 (2014)
Release time:2021-07-28
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- Pre One:Pinquan Qin, Qian Wang, and Wen-ge Wang, ``Semiclassical approach to the quantum Loschmidt echo in deep quantum regions: from validity to breakdown'', Phys. Rev. E, 86, 066203 (2012)
- Next One:Pinquan Qin, Wen-ge Wang, Giuliano Benenti, and Giulio Casati, ``Complexity and instability of quantum motion near a quantum phase transition'', Phys.Rev.E 89, 032120 (2014)