W. Wang#*, S. Huang, F. Huang, X. Zhao, Z. Wu*, 2019. Equilibrium inter-mineral titanium isotope fractionation: Implication for high-temperature titanium isotope geochemistry, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 269, 540-553.
Release time:2023-05-11
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- Pre One:Y. Li, W. Wang, C. Zhou, F. Huang*, 2019. First-principles calculations of equilibrium silicon isotope fractionation in metamorphic silicate minerals, Solid Earth Sciences, 4, 4, 142-149.
- Next One:L. Duan, W. Wang*, Z. Wu*, W. Qian, 2019. Thermodynamic and elastic properties of grossular at high pressures and high temperatures: A first-principles study, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 124, 7792–7805.