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Personal Homepage
- Professor
- Name (Pinyin):wangyifeng
- E-Mail:8b3646b9910eb5b7cffb55d4af8e557b2f981ecce03e9f95a3be593b1bc0cdcfc4e7d100a3b2d99140a868882cdebe7287c936c36fb8ad7cad83c2308a130eb056a29053744b28f70f2e2377553400b72eecce8f53ec710d83deb3b19b1086fa69a4be640974f51f84959dd5d9203a6e3d994e225444db0491375dca4a4d3c7b
- Contact Information:0551-63607105
- Degree:Dr
- Professional Title:Professor
- Teacher College:Chemistry and Materials Science
28. Ji-Kang Jin, Feng-Lian Zhang, Qiang Zhao, Jun-An Lu, and Yi-Feng Wang* Synthesis of Diverse Boron-Handled N-Heterocycles via Radical Borylative Cyclization of N-Allylcyanamides, Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 7558-7562.
Release time:2021-08-01 Hits:
Pre One:29. Shi-Chao Ren,† Feng-Lian Zhang,† Ai-Qing Xu, Yinuo Yang, Min Zheng, Xiaoguo Zhou,* Yao Fu,* Yi-Feng Wang* Regioselective radical α-borylation of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds for direct synthesis of α-borylcarbonyl molecules, Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 1934.