14. Wen, J., A.L. Sukstanskii, and D.A. Yablonskiy, Phase-sensitive B1 mapping: Effects of relaxation and RF spoiling. Magn Reson Med, 2018. 80(1): p. 101-111.
上一条:15. Astafiev, S.V., J. Wen, D.L. Brody, A.H. Cross, A.P. Anokhin, K.L. Zinn, M. Corbetta, and D.A. Yablonskiy, A Novel Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging Method Detects Brain Tissue Abnormalities in Patients With TBI Without Evident Anatomical Changes on Clinical MRI: A Pilot Study. Mil Med, 2019. 184(Suppl 1): p. 218-227.
下一条:13. Wen, J., M.S. Goyal, S.V. Astafiev, M.E. Raichle, and D.A. Yablonskiy, Genetically defined cellular correlates of the baseline brain MRI signal. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2018. 115(41): p. E9727-E9736.