[10] X. Zhang, L. Wu(吴乐), B. Yu, X. Chen, and X. Chen*, “Adaptive calibration of electrode array shifts enables robust myoelectric control,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 1947-1957, 2019. (IF:4.756,生物医学工程领域旗舰期刊)
Pre One:[9] X. Zhang, L. Wu*(吴乐,共同通讯作者), X. Zhang, X. Chen, C. Li, and X. Chen*, “Multi-source domain generalization and adaptation towards cross-subject myoelectric pattern recognition,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 2023. (IF:5.043,神经科学领域旗舰期刊,针对6类手势肌电识别泛化性结果达到最优)
Next One:[11] B. Xue, L. Wu(吴乐), A. Liu, et al., “Detecting the universal adversarial perturbations on high-density sEMG signals,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 149, pp. 105978, 2022.(IF:6.698,生物医学工程领域知名期刊)