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    • 联系方式:63603524
    • 学位:博士




    00200701: Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics


    • Basic Information: This is an undergraduate level course for those whose major is condensed matter physics. It is designed to help those who plan to be experimentalists to grasp the basic fundamental concepts and models in condensed matter physics so that they would find themselves easier in reading literature. It is also designed to facilitate those who plan to be theoreticians with a broader view of the condensed matter physics. This course serves as an amendment to the course ``Theory of Solid State Physics'' which focuses on the ``depth'' of the physics and hence lacks the ``broadness'' of the whole field.
      The background needed is Quantum Mechanics and Solid State Physics. More Information about this course is :

      • References:

        • Charles Kittle, "Introduction to Solid State Physics" (John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 1996)

        • Neil W. Aschroft and N. D. Mermin, "Solid State Physics" (Harcourt College Publishers, Fort Worth, 1976)

        • Giuseppe Grosso, "Solid State Physics" (Academic Press, San Diego, 2000)

        • Philip Phillips, "Advanced Solid State Physics" (Westview Press, 2003)

        • D. D. Awschalom et al. (eds.), "Semiconductor Spintronics and Quantum Computation" (Springer, Berlin, 2002)

        • S. Datta, "Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems" (Cambridge University Press, 1995)

        • P. M. Chaikin and T. C. Lubensky, "Principles of Condensed Matter Physics" (Cambridge University Press, 1995)

        • M. P. Marder, "Condensed Matter Physics" (John Willey and Sons, INC., New York, 2000)

    • Question & Answer

      • Q:
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      • A:
        Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2004 22:23:02 +0800 (CST)
        From: Prof. Dr. M. W. Wu
        To: xxxxxx@mail.ustc.edu.cn
        Subject: Re: [gb2312] ¹ØÓÚÄý¾Û̬ÎïÀíµ¼ÂÛ

        Dear Mr. Zxxxx:

        The reason the grades of the graduate students look better than yours was not because they have studied more courses, but because they spent more time on their homework. If you have had spent more time, you would have similar grade.

        The graduate students will not be separated from the undergraduates from the final grading. However, the base will be the total number of students remaining in the class at the end of the semester. According to the experience of my other lectures such as "Solid State Theory", there are many students who just came to my class from throughout the whole course without registration. These students will be countered into the base number also. It is pointed out that the standard of passing the course is fixed for everybody. There would NOT be more undergraduates who fail the course because of more graduates who pass the course.

        As for your choice: if you do not decide to spend time on this course, it would be on your behalf to withdraw. However, if you decide to work hard to learn, then stay registered would be to the best of your benefit as you would find the difference after you finish this course. It's your choice! I would like to extend my hands to those who are willing to learn and who brace challenge with courage!

        M. W. Wu hapisad.gif