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    1. (SEMINAR)"Emergent states in heavy fermion materials", Researcher Dr. Yi-Feng Yang (Institute of Physics, CAS), at 4:00 pm, March 5, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        Since its first discovery in 1979, heavy fermion superconductivity remains one of the big mysteries in condensed matter physics. The conventional theory fails to provide a satisfactory explanation to most heavy fermion properties. It is hence necessary to explore other routes to tackle this challenging problem. In this talk, after a brief introduction to the current status of heavy fermion research, I will discuss my recent work that revealed unexpected universal properties in the normal state of many heavy fermion materials, and propose a new framework that may eventually lead to a better basis for understanding heavy fermion superconductivity.

    2. (HUMANITIES FORUM)"The Emergence and Development of China's Independent Documentary Films", Mr. Jie Hu (Independent Documentary Film Producer), at 3:00 pm, March 16, 2013.

    3. (SEMINAR)"Strong correlation induced charge localization in antiferromagnets", Prof. Dr. Zheng-Yu Weng (Tsinghua University), at 3:00 pm, March 18, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        The fate of an injected hole in a Mott antiferromagnet is an outstanding issue of strongly correlated physics. It provides important insights into doped Mott insulators closely related to high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates. Here, we report a systematic numerical study based on the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). It reveals a remarkable novelty and surprise for the single hole's motion in otherwise well-understood Mott insulators. Specifically, we find that the charge of the hole is self-localized by a novel quantum interference mechanism purely of strong correlation origin, in contrast to Anderson localization due to disorders. The common belief of quasiparticle picture is invalidated by the charge localization concomitant with spin-charge separation: the spin of the doped hole is found to remain a mobile object. Our findings unveil a new paradigm for doped Mott insulators that emerges already in the simplest single hole case.

    4. (SEMINAR)"Topological states in one-dimensional superlattice systems", Researcher Dr. Shu Chen (Institute of Physics, CAS), at 4:00 pm, March 21, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        We show that one-dimensional quasiperiodic optical lattice systems can exhibit edge states and topological phases which are generally believed to appear in two-dimensional systems. When the Fermi energy lies in gaps, the Fermi system on the optical superlattice is a topological insulator characterized by a nonzero topological invariant. The topological nature can be revealed by observing the density profile of a trapped fermion system, which displays plateaus with their positions uniquely determined by the ration of wavelengths of the bichromatic optical lattice. This finding provides us an alternative way to study the topological phases and Hofstadterlike spectrum in onedimensional optical lattices. The cases with longrange interactions or onsite interactions are also discussed, where fractional topological states or Mott topological states can be found.

    5. (SEMINAR)"Theoretical investigation of strongly correlated quantum phenomena", Researcher Dr. Tao Xiang (Institute of Physics, CAS), at 4:00 pm, April 17, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        In the past thirty years, a great many of strongly correlated electronic systems, including quantum Hall effect and high temperature superconductivity, have been discovered. They reveal extraordinary quantum effects and phenomena which cannot be accounted for in the conventional framework of condensed matter theory. Establishment and development of new models and methods for describing these novel phenomena and effects has been a great challenge in this field. In this talk I will give a brief introduction to the current status in the theoretical study of strongly correlated quantum phenomena, and then discuss about the recent progress in the quantum many body theory.

    6. (SEMINAR)"Spin dynamics and noise in low-dimensional systems with orbital memory", Prof. Dr. E. Ya. Sherman (University of Basque Country, SPAIN) at 4:00 pm, April 22, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        We consider memory effects for spin dynamics and spin noise of electrons in two systems with disorder in the spin-orbit coupling. The disorder has the spatial scale of the order of 10 nm. First system is a two-dimensional electron gas in magnetic field. In contrast to the conventional regular spin-orbit coupling, here the memory effects speed up spin relaxation and make it Gaussian rather than exponential. Second system is a quantum wire, where the memory effects slow the relaxation down and make it algebraic, leading to anomalously strong spin noise at low frequencies.

    7. (HUMANITIES FORUM)"Self-consciousness/knowledge to the formation of a human being", Prof. Wei-Ping Cui (Beijing Film Academy), at 7:00 pm, May 8, 2013.

    8. (SEMINAR)"2D topological superconductivity close to type-II van Hove singularity", Prof. Dr. Hong Yao (Tsinghua University) at 4:00 pm, May 13, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        We study 2D electronic systems whose Fermi surfaces have type-II van Hove saddle points, defined as saddle points residing at time-reversal-noninvariant momenta in Brillouin zone. We propose that triplet pairing is generically favored in such 2D systems with weak repulsive interactions. This is argued quite generally from a renormalization group treatment of these systems. Such triplet pairing could give rise to topological superconductivity such as chiral p+ip superconductivity with robust chiral Majorana fermions in system boundaries and non-Abelian Majorana fermions in vortex cores. Possible applications to the Bi-based superconductor LaOBiS2 will also be discussed.

    9. (SEMINAR)"Electron trapping for hot electron spin injection in silicon", Dr. Yuan Lu (CNRS Institut Jean Lamour, Nancy, FRANCE) at 10:00 am, May 20, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        Efficient injection of spin-polarized electrons from a ferromagnetic (FM) source into a semiconducting heterostructure is a prerequisite for the realization of semiconductor spintronic devices. However, due to the large conductivity mismatch between FM metals and semiconductors, direct deposition of the FM metal on the semiconductor surface will result in very poor spin injection efficiency [1]. In this talk, I will introduce two methods to overcome this impedance obstacle to get high spin-injection efficiency. (1) By insertion of a thin MgO tunnel barrier between FM and GaAs, we have obtained 32% circular polarization for spin-injection in GaAs.[2] (2) By using hot electron injection and detection technique, we have obtained 50% spin injection in Si.[3,4]
        [1] A. Fert and H. Jaffr¨¨s, Phys. Rev. B 64, 184420 (2001).
        [2] Y. Lu, V. G. Truong, P. Renucci, M. Tran, H. Jaffr¨¨s, C. Deranlot, J.-M.George, A. Lema?tre, Y. Zheng, D. Demaille, P.-H. Binh, T. Amand, and X. Marie, Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 054416 (2008).
        [3] Y. Lu and I. Appelbaum, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 162501 (2010).
        [4] Y. Lu, J. Li and I. Appelbaum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 217202 (2011).

    10. (COLLOQUIUM)"Simulation of acoustic wave propagation: from architectural acoustics to biomedical ultrasound, Assist. Prof. Dr. Yun Jing (North Carolina State University, USA) at 4:00 pm, May 27, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        This talk focuses on different numerical methods for simulation of acoustic wave propagation in the areas of architectural acoustics and biomedical ultrasound. For architectural acoustics, the sound field modeling in long spaces is formulated using 1-D transport equations. Experiments obtained from a long room scale model are used to verify the transport equation models. In addition to transport equation models, the use of a diffusion equation to model sound field in various spaces is investigated. Particularly, a modified boundary condition to improve the room-acoustic prediction accuracy of the diffusion equation model is introduced. Simulated and experimental data in a flat room scale model are compared to verify the numerical model. The diffusion equation model is also applied to the study of acoustics in coupled rooms. It will be shown that time-dependent sound energy flows in coupled-room systems experience feedback in cases where the dependent room is more reverberant than the source room. For biomedical ultrasound, two spectral methods (angular spectrum approach and k-space method) are investigated for nonlinear wave propagation based on the Westervelt equation. Spectral methods are superior over conventional FEM and FDTD method due to their low dispersion errors even when the mesh is relatively coarse, therefore is inherently suitable for large-scale biomedical ultrasound propagation. To show the application of the spectral method, the k-space method with a coarse spatial resolution is implemented for the phase correction for transcranial focusing. A sharp focus in the brain is found both in simulation and experiment after the phase correction.

    11. (SEMINAR)"Optical manipulation of the electron and nuclear spin in GaAs quantum dots", Prof. Dr. X. Marie (Universite de Toulouse, FRANCE) at 4:00 pm, May 28, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        In recent years, the interest in studying quantum-dot nuclear spin systems and their coupling to confined electron spins has been further fueled by its importance for possible quantum information processing applications. The fascinating nonlinear (quantum) dynamics of the coupled electron-nuclear spin system is universal in quantum dot optics and transport. In the first part of this talk, experimental work performed over the last decade in studying this mesoscopic, coupled electronuclear spin system is reviewed, with special focus on how optical addressing of electron spins can be exploited to manipulate and read out the quantum-dot nuclei.
        The second part of the talk will be devoted to the generation of entangled photon pairs. We create a naturally symmetric quantum dot cascade that emits highly polarization entangled photon pairs on demand. The emitted photons strongly violate Bell¡¯s inequality. The source consists of strain-free GaAs dots grown by Droplet Epitaxy on a triangular symmetric (111)A surface [1]. The remaining decoherence channel of the photon source is ascribed to random charge and nuclear spin fluctuations in and near the dot. We discuss the practical consequences of the nonlinear (quantum) dynamics of the coupled electron-nuclear spin system revealed in quantum dot optics [2] in these nano-objects with trigonal (C3v) symmetry [3].
        [1] T. Kuroda et al, arxiv 1302.6389
        [2] B. Urbaszek, X. Marie, T. Amand, O. Krebs, P. Voisin, P. Maletinksy, A. H?gele, A. Iamoglu, Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 79 (2013)
        [3] G. Sallen, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 166604 (2011)?; M.?Durnev et al, Phys.Rev.B 87, 085315 (2013).

    12. (SEMINAR)"Nonlinear Hall effect as a signature of electronic phase separation", Prof. Dr. Peng Xiong (Florida State University, USA), at 4:00 pm, June 20, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        In this talk I will describe results of Hall effect measurements on several systems exhibiting magnetically driven percolative phase transitions. The talk will focus primarily on the semimetallic ferromagnet EuB6, in which we observed a distinctive switch in the Hall resistivity slope in the paramagnetic state. The switching fields in a broad temperature range were found to correspond to a single magnetization, which we interpret as the point of percolation for the phase-separated, magnetically-ordered, and electrically-conducting patches in the paramagnetic background [1]. We argue that this may be a general signature of electronic phase separation in materials with strong magneto-electronic correlations. We demonstrate its efficacy in anisotropically strained La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 by correlating the nonlinear features in the Hall effect with the emergence of antiferromagnetic insulating state in the materials.
        [1] X. Zhang et al., PRL 103, 106602 (2009).

    13. (SEMINAR)"Spinterfaces as Microscopic Spin Traps", Prof. Dr. Martin Aeschlimann (University of Kaiserslautern, GERMANY) at 4:00 pm, July 17, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        Interfaces between ferromagnetic materials and organic semiconductors ? also known as spinterfaces - constitute an incredibly rich playground in the field of spintronics. For example, spinterfaces have the potential to be implemented as tunable spin filters [1,2], which will pave the way to a whole new class of advanced, i.e., actively controlled spintronics devices. The progress in the field of spinterface science depends thus critically on elucidating the still unexplored spin-dependent carrier dynamics at such hybrid interfaces.
        Spin- and time-resolved two-photon photoemission (2PPE) allows to study the dynamics of the relevant hybrid electronic interface structure that determines the spin-filtering efficiency. In a real-time pump-probe experiment, we follow the spin-dependent trapping of excited electrons at the prototypical interface between the ferromagnet cobalt and the metalorganic complex tris-(8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminium (Co-Alq3 interface). The pump photon is used to populate an unoccupied hybrid state at the Co-Alq3 interface with a transient spin-polarization. The transiently populated hybrid state is probed by analyzing the photoemitted electrons with respect to their kinetic energy, spin and momentum. This gives access to the relevant transient femtosecond-to-picosecond electron dynamics in the hybrid interface state that eventually determine the spin filtering efficiency of the spinterface. We observe a substantial spin-dependent confinement of electrons at the interface [3]. Such spin-dependent trapping behavior elucidates the fundamental microscopic origin of the spin-filtering properties at spinterfaces, which is important for the design of next-generation spintronics devices based on tunable organic spin filters.
        [1]M. Cinchetti, K. Heimer, J.-P. Wuestenberg, O. Andreyev, M. Bauer, S. Lach, C. Ziegler, Y. Gao, and M. Aeschlimann, Nature Materials 8, 115 (2008).
        [2]M. Cinchetti, S. Neuschwander, A. Fischer, A. Ruffing, S. Mathias, J.-P. Wuestenberg, and M. Aeschlimann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 1 (2010).
        [3]S. Steil, N. Grossmann, M. Laux, A. Ruffing, D. Steil, M. Wiesenmayer, S. Mathias, O. L. A. Monti, M. Cinchetti, and M. Aeschlimann, Nature Physics 9, 242 (2013).

    14. (HUMANITIES AND PHYSICS FORUM)"The Power of the Abstract: A journey through the soul of theoretical physics", Prof. Dr. G. Vignale (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA) at 7:00 pm, July 17, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        Just as poetry is "a language within the language" (Paul Valery), theoretical physics is "a science within the science". Its nal product is not the explanation of observed facts, even less the control over them, but the weaving of those facts into a convincing and memorable narrative. In this talk I expose some of the basic tools by which theoretical physics succeeds in reconstructing reality in a shape that we can grasp intellectually and emotionally. These include: going to the limit, mapping a thing into another, and developing "effective theories". The reconstructed reality is populated with abstractions such as particles, elds, and waves { all of which disappear if you look too closely, like rainbows that can be viewed but never reached. This abstract reality, it is argued, may well be an illusion { but an illusion that has more value than the literal fact.
        This talk is based on The Beautiful Invisible Creativity, Imagination and Theoretical Physics, by G. Vignale (Oxford University Press, 2011)

    15. (SEMINAR)"Collective Spin-Hall Effect for Electron-Hole Gratings", Prof. Dr. G. Vignale (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA) at 4:00 pm, July 18, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        The spin Hall eect, i.e., the generation of a transverse spin current from a charge current and viceversa, has attracted much attention in the past decade: it has now become one of the standard tools for the generation and detection of spin currents in magneto-electronic devices. In this talk I address the ques- tion of how the eect manifests itself in the dynamics of collective states, e.g. an electron-hole density wave induced by optical excitation on the surface of n-doped GaAs. It has recently been predictedy that an electric eld parallel to the wavefronts of an electron-hole grating in a GaAs quantum well generates, via the electronic spin Hall eect, a spin grating of the same wave vector and with an amplitude that can exceed 1% of the amplitude of the initial density grating { an observable eect. I refer to this phenomenon as \collective spin Hall eect". A detailed study of the coupled-spin charge dynamics for quantum wells grown in dierent directions reveals rich features in the time evolution of the induced spin density, including the possibility of generating a helical spin grating from a density grating.

    16. (COLLOQUIUM)"Spin caloritronics-more than spin-dependent thermoelectrics", Prof. Dr. Gerrit E. W. Bauer (Tohoku University, JAPAN and TU Delft, The NETHERLANDS) at 4:00 pm, July 21, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        The spin degree of freedom of the electron affects not only charge, but also heat and thermoelectric transport, leading to new effects in small structures that are studied in the field of spin caloritronics (from calor, the Latin word for heat).
        This lecture addresses the basic physics of spin caloritronics. Starting with an introduction into thermoelectrics and Onsager¡¯s reciprocity relations, the generalization to include the spin dependence in the presence of metallic ferromagnets will be addressed. Using this foundation I will describe several recently discovered spin-dependent effects in metallic nanostructures and tunneling junctions in terms of a two spin-current model of non-interacting electrons.
        Next, I will argue that a different class of spin caloritronic effects exists that can be explained only by the collective spin dynamics in ferromagnets. The thermal spin transfer torque that allows excitation and switching of the magnetization in spin valves as well as the operation of nanoscale heat engines is complemented by thermal spin pumping. The latter generates the so-called spin Seebeck effect, which is generated by a heat current-induced non-equilibrium of magnons at a contact between an insulating or conducting ferromagnet and a normal metal. Under these conditions a net spin current is injected or extracted from the normal metal that can be detected by the inverse spin Hall effect.
        Both classes of effects can be understood in the adiabatic approximation for the magnetization dynamics and computed in terms of material-dependent electronic structures. Further issues to be addressed are the relation between electric, thermal and acoustic actuation of the magnetic order parameter, as well as the application potential of spin caloritronics.
        More details and a bibliography can be found in Ref. [1].
        [1] G.E.W. Bauer, E. Saitoh, and B.J. van Wees, Spin Caloritronics, Nature Materials 11, 391 (2012).

    17. (Ph. D. Dissertation Defense)"Spin dynamics of two-dimensional electrons in semiconductors, graphene, topological insulators, and multiferroic oxides", Mr. Peng Zhang, [Committee Members: Prof. Dr. Zheng-Yu Weng (Chair, Tsinghua Univ.); Prof. Dr. Gerrit Bauer (Tohoko University and TU Delft); Prof. Dr. Yi Luo (Royal Institute of Technology and USTC); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivan Shelykh (University of Iceland); Prof. Dr. Giovanni Vignale (University of Missouri-Columbia); Prof. Dr. Xin-Cheng Xie (Peking University); Prof. Dr. Shu-Feng Zhang (University of Arizona)], at 2:00 pm, July 22, 2013.

    18. (SEMINAR)"Spin dynamics at high temperatures", Prof. Dr. Shu-Feng Zhang (University of Arizona, USA) at 4:00 pm, July 23, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        The classical Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation has been extremely powerful in explaining and predicting magnetization dynamics of magnetic materials at temperatures far below the Curie temperature and thus LLG plays pivotal roles for today's magnetic information technology. With the next generation of magnetic storage possibly involving high temperature operations, it is highly desirable to develop theoretical tools which are capable of describing high temperature magnetization dynamics. Here, we propose an equation of motion based on quantum kinetics. Then, we address magnetization dynamics for several classes of materials including element specific dynamics for ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic compounds.

    19. (SEMINAR)"Intersubband polaritonics", Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivan Shelykh (University of Iceland, ICELAND) at 9:00 am, July 24, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        Intersubband polaritons are hybrid light- matter excitations resulting from strong coupling of intersubband transition in the Quantum Well and spatially confined cavity mode. Theoretical description of their formation was usually done neglecting many- electoin interactions and spin degree of freedom. We revise these assumption and show that in realistic cases the formation of the polaritons is strongly modified by many body correlations and spin- orbit interaction. In this context, we discuss the possible origin of the three- peak absorption spectra of intersubband polariton system observed in recent experiments.

    20. (SEMINAR)"Detect the mHz gravitational waves by using a spinful quantum fluid", Prof. Dr. Yao Cheng (Tsinghua University) at 4:00 pm, September 10, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        Based on the recent progress of the long-lived M?ssbauer state 93mNb, a mechanism is proposed to measure the mHz gravitational waves (GWs) by using the electromagnetic (EM) response of a spinful quantum fluid. Recently, F. Sorge suggested a superconductive GW detector. Passing GWs give a beating geometrical phase between two macroscopic wave functions bounded in different anisotropic shapes. To have a sufficient sensitivity from the superconductors, the detector has to be reduced to a size of femtometers. Therefore, a nuclear-type GW detector is proposed, where the sensitivity is dramatically enhanced by introducing the characteristic nuclear size. The collective EM response from the quantum fluid allows us to read the macroscopic geometrical phase from microscopic particles. GWs ? mHz with an amplitude of 10-22 are detectable.

    21. (HUMANITIES FORUM)"The beauty is implausible", Mr. Lao Chun (Writer and Painter), at 7:00 pm, September 10, 2013.

    22. (HUMANITIES FORUM)"What's covered in 1911 Revolution", Mr. Guo-Yong Fu (Historian, Freelance Writer), at 7:30 pm, September 26, 2013.

    23. (SEMINAR)"Spin-valley coupling in atomically thin tungsten dichalcogenides", Assoc. Prof. Dr. Xiao-Dong Cui (The University of Hong Kong) at 4:00 pm, October 14, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        The monolayers of group VI transition metal dichalcogenides feature a valence band spin splitting with opposite sign in the two valleys located at corners of 1st Brillouin zone. This spin-valley coupling, particularly pronounced in tungsten dichalcogenides, can benefit potential spintronics and valleytronics with the important consequences of spin-valley interplay and the suppression of spin and valley relaxations. In this talk we discuss the optical studies of MoS2,WS2 and WSe2 monolayers and multilayers. The efficiency of second harmonic generation (SHG) shows a dramatic even-odd oscillation consistent with the presence (absence) of inversion symmetry in even (odd) layer. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements show the crossover from an indirect band gap semiconductor at mutilayers to a direct-gap one at monolayers. The PL spectra and first-principle calculations consistently reveal a spin-valley coupling of 0.4 eV which suppresses interlayer hopping and manifests as a thickness independent splitting pattern at valence band edge near K valleys. This giant spin-valley coupling, together with the valley dependent physical properties, may lead to rich possibilities for manipulating spin and valley degrees of freedom in these atomically thin 2D materials.

    24. (HUMANITIES FORUM)"New Opinion On Class", Prof. Hui Qin (Tsinghua University) at 7:00 pm, October 16, 2013.

    25. (HUMANITIES FORUM)"From 'Eastern Europe' to 'New Europe'", Prof. Yan Jin (China University of Political Science and Law) at 7:00 pm, October 17, 2013.

    26. (SEMINAR)"Magneto-optic, magneto-electric, and magneto-thermoelectric effects developed by intermolecular excited states in organic semiconducting materials", Prof. Dr. Bin Hu (University of Tennessee, USA) at 9:00 am, October 23, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        Inter-molecular excited states are essentially inter-molecular electron-hole pairs with tunable electric and magnetic dipoles in organic semiconducting materials. It has been experimentally observed that inter-molecular excited states are sensitive to a low magnetic field (< 100 mT), leading to a magnetic field-dependent singlet/triplet ratio. Because the singlets and triplets have distinctly different optic, electric, and thermoelectric properties, magnetic field-dependent singlet/triplet ratio in intermolecular excited states can effectively exhibit spintronic effects. Therefore, intermolecular excited states have become a very encouraging research area towards magnetic control of optic, electric, and thermoelectric effects. We have found that inter-molecular excited states can exhibit an intrinsic coupling between electric permittivity and magnetic permeability. The intrinsic coupling between permittivity and permeability presents an essential mechanism to realize magneto-optic, magneto-electronic, and magneto-thermoelectric effects by using inter-molecular excited states. This presentation will discuss the recent progress and key issues in organic spintronics developed by inter-molecular excited states.

    27. (SEMINAR)"Theoretical investigation on magnetic field effect in organic devices", Prof. Dr. Shi-Jie Xie (Shandong University) at 4:00 pm, October 27, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        Investigation on organic semiconductors (OS) has greatly been motivated by device applications such as light-emitting diodes (LED), field-effect transistors and solar cells. Recent years, organic spintronics including spin injection and transport, magnetic-field effects in these materials has become a new hot subject of research. Especially a strong magnetic-field effect (OMFE), i.e. a low magnetic field (in the scale of ) can substantially change the electroluminescence, photoluminescence, photocurrent, and electrical-injection current, is relatively easy to be obtained in an OS compared to its inorganic counterparts. The importance of OMFE is largely due to its fundamental science research and technology applications. From model and DFT simulation separately we study the charge-spin relationship of injected carriers. Some interesting phenomena are obtained. Then from phenomenological dynamics and quantum non-adiabatic calculation we study the OMFE. The theoretical calculations are well consistent to experimental data. It is found that both density and mobility response to the applied magnetic field may be responsible to the apparent organic magnetoresistance (OMAR). The internal effect of polaron and bipolaron carriers, strong electron-phonon interaction, and the hyperfine interaction of hydrogen nuclei on OMAR are discussed.

    28. (SEMINAR)"Magnetization dynamics in thin magnetic films, multilayers and nanostructures for future applications in microwave signal processing, spintronics, magnetic logic and sensing", Prof. Dr. Mikhail Kostylev (University of Western Australia, AUSTRALIA) at 9:00 am, November 29, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        Currently nano-structured metallic ferromagnetic thin films attract a lot of attention because of possible applications in microwave signal processing, generation of microwave signals, magnetic memory, magnetic logic and sensing.
        These structures support propagation of slow magnetic polaritons: magnetostatic spin waves (MSW). MSW exist at microwave frequencies, their dispersion is magnetic field tuneable, and their wavelengths can be smaller than optical wavelength for the visible light. Furthermore, spin waves in magnetic materials are intrinsically highly nonlinear.
        In my talk I will present some results of our experimental and theoretical studies of travelling and standing spin waves both on the millimetre scale and in nanostructured ferromagnetic films. Our experimental demonstrations of functionalities of these materials as wave-based logic gates and sensors of various substances will be also discussed.a

    29. (SEMINAR)"Understanding Self-Organization Mechanism of Hierarchical Nanostructures of ZnO", Prof. Dr, Mu Wang (Nanjing University) at 4:00 pm, December 27, 2013.

      1. Abstract:
        ZnO nanocrystallite possesses very rich morphology depending on growth conditions, and may have potential applications in several optoelectronic applications. Here I provide several examples on how such hierarchical nanostructures are formed, and how the resonant electro- magnetic responses in the hierarchical nanostructures are realized.
