Jun Feng, Xu Sun, Changzheng Wu*, Lele Peng, Chenwen Lin, Shuanglin Hu, Jinlong Yang and Yi Xie* “Metallic Few-layered VS2 Ultrathin Nanosheets: High Two-Dimensional Conductivity for In-Plane Supercapacitors” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133,17832. 【Fulltext】
Pre One:Jun Feng, Lele Peng, Changzheng Wu,* Xu Sun, Shuanglin Hu, Chenwen Lin, Jun Dai, Jinlong Yang, Yi Xie * Ultrathin Nanosheets: Giant Moisture Responsiveness of VS2 Ultrathin Nanosheets for Novel Touchless Positioning Interface Advanced Materials 2012, 24, 1917. (Selected as Cover Image) 【Fulltext】
Next One:Changzheng Wu, Feng Feng, Jun Feng, Jun Dai, Lele Peng, Jiyin Zhao, Jinlong Yang, Cheng Si, Ziyu Wu, and Yi Xie “Hydrogen-Incorporation Stabilization of Metallic VO2(R) Phase to Room Temperature, Displaying Promising Low-Temperature Thermoelectric Effect” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133, 13798.(Selected as Cover page) 【Fulltext】