Changzheng Wu, Haiou Zhu, Jun Dai, Wensheng Yan, Jinlong Yang, Yangchao Tian, Shiqiang Wei, Yi Xie, “Room-temperature Ferromagnetic Silver Vanadium Oxide (Ag1.2V3O8): A New Magnetic Semiconductor Nanoring Structure”, Advanced Functional Materials. 2010, 20,3666 【Fulltext】
Pre One:Changzheng Wu, Yi Xie, Lanyu Lei, Shuangquan Hu, Chuanzi OuYang, “Synthesis of New-phased VOOH Hollow “Dandelions” and Their Application in Lithium-ion Batteries”, Advanced Materials. 2006, 18, 1727. 【Fulltext】
Next One:Changzheng Wu, Lanyu Lei , Xi Zhu , Jinlong Yang , Yi Xie, “Large-Scale Synthesis of Titanate and Anatase Tubular Hierarchitectures”, Small. 2007, 3, 1518. (被评为该刊2007年9月份Most accessed articles)【Fulltext】