Changzheng Wu, He Wei, Bo Ning, Yi Xie, “New Phase Hollandite-type VOOH Quadrangular Nanorods: A New Smart Electrical Switch Material”, Chemical Communications. 2010, 46, 1875. 【Fulltext】
Pre One: Photothermal Actuator with High Transparency: New Prototype Robotic Motions under Infrared-Light Stimuli Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21, 18584. 【Fulltext】被英国皇家化学会《Chemistry world》杂志专题推介评述;Seewebsite:
Next One:Changzheng Wu, Yi Xie, “Controlling Phase and Morphology of Inorganic Nanostructures Originated from the Internal Crystal Structure”, Chemical Communications.2009, 5943. (Feature Article) 【Fulltext】