Changzheng Wu, Wei Xie, Miao Zhang, Liangfei Bai, Jinlong Yang, Yi Xie, “Environmentally Friendly Gamma-MnO2 Hexagon-Based Nanoarchitectures: Structural Understanding and Their Energy-Saving Applications” Chemistry - A European Journal. 2009, 15, 287. 【Fulltext】
Pre One:Changzheng Wu, Yi Xie, “Controlling Phase and Morphology of Inorganic Nanostructures Originated from the Internal Crystal Structure”, Chemical Communications.2009, 5943. (Feature Article) 【Fulltext】
Next One:Changzheng Wu, Zhenpeng Hu, Wei Wang, Miao Zhang, Jinlong Yang and Yi Xie, “Synthetic Paramontroseite VO2 with Good Aqueous Lithium–Ion Battery Performance”, Chemical Communications. 2008, 3891. 【Fulltext】