Changzheng Wu, Xi Zhu, Lila Ye, Chuanzi OuYang, Shuangquan Hu, Lanyu Lei, Yi Xie, “Necklace-like Hollow Carbon Nanospheres from the Pentagon-Including Reactants: Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties”, Inorganic Chemistry. 2006, 45, 8543.
Pre One:Changzheng Wu, Ping Yin, Xi Zhu, Chuanzi OuYang, and Yi Xie, “Synthesis of Hematite (a-Fe2O3) Nanorods: Diameter-Size and Shape Effects on Their Applications in Magnetism, Lithium Ion Battery, and Gas Sensors”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2006, 110, 17806. (被评为该刊2006年第三季度Most accessed articles)
Next One:Changzheng Wu, Feng Feng, Jun Feng, Jun Dai, Jinlong Yang, and Yi Xie Ultrafast Solid-State Transformation Pathway from New-Phased Goethite VOOH to Paramontroseite VO2 to Rutile VO2(R) The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 791.