Xia, Q.-X., Zheng, Y.-F.*, Yuan, H.L., Wu, F.-Y., 2009. Contrasting Lu-Hf and U-Th-Pb isotope systematics between metamorphic growth and recrystallization of zircon from eclogite-facies metagranites in the Dabie orogen, China , Lithos 112, 477-496.
上一条:Xia, Q.-X., Zheng, Y.-F.*, Zhou, L.-G., 2008. Dehydration and melting during continental collision: Constraints from element and isotope geochemistry of low-T/UHP granitic gneiss in the Dabie orogen. Chemical Geology 247, 36-65.
下一条:Xia, Q.-X.*, Zheng, Y.-F., Hu, Z.C., 2010. Trace elements in zircon and coexisting minerals from low-T/UHP metagranite in the Dabie orogen: Implications for action of supercritical fluid during continental subduction-zone metamorphism. Lithos 114, 385-412.