[IEEE TMC] Xiaohua Xu, Xiangyang Li, Min Song, Efficient Aggregation Scheduling in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks with SINR Constraints, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2013
Pre One:[INFOCOM’09] P. Wan,Xiaohua Xu, Lixin Wang, Xiaohua Jia, EK Park, Minimum-Latency Beaconing Schedule in Multihop Wireless Networks,. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications 2009
Next One:[MASS’12] Shaojie Tang, Cheng Bo, Xiangyang Li, Yunhao Liu, Xiaohua Xu, Jing Yuan, SmartMote: Energy and VoI-Aware Solar-Powered Sensor Network Design for Environment Monitoring, IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems 2012