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    Micron-nano Functional Materials Group , Department of Physics , University of Science and Technology of China





    (2) 具有自清洁以及隐形双功能的材料(涂料)的应用研究:将不同尺度的等离激元散射结构(或复合孔洞结构)、超材料结构与吸波涂料相结合,设计制备红外-微波多波段复式隐形结构。 双功能材料具有低成本和高实用性有望应用于大型建筑、隧道、运输车辆、坦克及其它大型军用设备的隐形。



    (1)     GaN生长动力学、生长环境以及缺陷形成机理的做了比较充分的分析,指出原生GaN薄膜中最可能出现的缺陷与杂质以及这些缺陷与杂质对发光的影响。在此基础上,通过对GaN/蓝宝石系统的纵深剖面元素分布的研究,以及对GaN薄膜的温度霍尔效应的研究,确立了GaN/蓝宝石系统界面n+简并薄层的存在和成因、该薄层对GaN薄膜电学输运特性的影响,以及整个系统中沿深度分布的补偿机理。首次用“双施主杂质能带”的概念解释低温下的载流子饱和特性。这一研究确立了用常规工艺生长的GaN器件的电学输运机制的弱点来自于界面简并层,薄膜生长及热处理时的高温所导致的原子扩散正是简并层的成因。结果在APL 和JAP发表。

    (2)     用光增强电流谱(PSCS)测量Al+的注入产生的高阻GaN薄膜中的深能级。Al的注入,在n型GaN中形成了一个“准深能级带”,反映在低温PL谱上则是带边及2.2eV黄色荧光的消失。采用一定条件下的退火,使准深能级带“缩”为几个独立的深电子陷阱。黄色荧光也得到一定恢复。此研究有助于了解离子注入对GaN发光产生的影响。PSCS的设计为首次发表,它适用于一切用现有方法(包括ODLTS)不能测量的高阻样品中的深陷阱能级。结果在TSF发表。

    (3)     首次用射频溅射法,在反应室中通以过量氧与纯锌反应,在nSi衬底上生长出pZnO薄膜。p-ZnO的反型率、发光特性和p-ZnO/ n-Si异质结特性均优于日本研究人员用直流溅射法生长的p-ZnO/ n-Si异质结。首次在nSi衬底上用射频溅射法生长出ZnO同质p-n其光学、电学特性优于日本研究人员用直流溅射法在n-Si生长的ZnO p-n同质结以及美国研究人员在GaAs上用热扩散法生长的ZnO p-n同质结。具体结果投APLJCG

    (4)     由于在工艺和价格上的优势,在Si和含Si衬底上用溅射法生长ZnO薄膜已在发光器件上得到了普遍应用,但现有的溅射法需与高温退火相配合,方能得到取向较好的薄膜。研究发现退火伴随着三元化合物晶体硅酸锌以及非晶态二氧化硅的产生,它们是520nm绿色荧光以及450nm兰色荧光的主要来源。由此建议改进传统的溅射方式由目前通用的固相沉积加前置热丝变为气相沉积,则可以避免高温产生新的化合物对器件性能带来的危害,有益于生长突变型同质p-n结或异质结。结果已在CPL发表。

    (5)     参加863项目“新型近场光存储材料和器件”的预研究,在不同衬底上生长适用于近场光存储纳米金属或纳米半导体颗粒薄膜与自组装量子点,解决了控制纳米颗粒尺度大小的难题。物理研究正在进行之中。这项研究不仅对近场光存储材料和器件的研究有实际意义,而且在制备的近场超分辨结构上生长和表征纳米量级光电功能材料或器件阵列研究方面有着诱人的应用前景。



    (所发表的109篇论文中,已有60篇被SCI收录(国际国内会议论文集的文章被SCI收录不算),80%以上为高影响因子刊物,平均每篇文章的影响因子为2.2324篇被EI收录;有2篇文章发表在国内外核心刊物,打 “*”的为指导研究生或本科生所做论文。)

    1. Xu X L, Hao L Y, Xu K Z, Yang B X, and Liu C R. Cathodoluminescence spectra of interband transitions in monocrystalline germanium,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter5,L587(1993).(SCI, f=2.045)

    2. L Y Hao, B X Yang, K Z Xu and X L Xu, Emission spectrum of silicon in the region of anomalous dispersion. Phys.Rev.B.47(20),13320(1993).(SCI, f=3.50)

    3. Xu X L, Zhu L X, S Fung, Liu C R, Hao L Y and Xu K Z. Cathodoluminescence spectra of OPA film on Ge(111). J. Phys.: Condens.Matter6,L527(1994). (SCI, f=2.045)

    4Xu X L, Hao L Y, Xu K Z, Chen T P and S Fung. Cathodoluminescence from interband transitions in germanium (111) and gallium arsenide crystals.   Phys.Rev.B52(3)1452(1995).(SCI, f=3.50)

    5. Xu X L,Zhu L X, Chen T P, and S Fung. Optical properties of interband transitions in the OPA film on GaAs (100). Phys.Stat.Soli.(b)192,    217(1995).(SCI, f=1.43)

    6. Xu X L,Zhu L X, Chen T P, S Fung, and Li S M. Optical transitions in germanium dioxide. Thin Solid Films283, 230(1996).(0/3)(SCI, f=2.06)

    7. S Fung, Xu XL, Zhao YW. Ga/Al interdiffusion between n-GaN and sapphire.J.Appl.Phys. 84(4), 2355 (1998).(SCI, f=2.43)

    8. Zhao YW, Xu XL, Gong M, S Fung, CD Being. Formation of PIn defect in annealed liquid-encapsulated Czochralski InP. Appl.Phys.Lett.72(17), 2126  (1998).(SCI, f=4.30)

    9. S Fung, Zhao YW, CD Being, Xu XL. Compensation ratio-dependent of a VInH4 complex in n-type liquid encapsulated Czochralski InP. Appl.Phys.Lett.73 (9),1275 (1998).(SCI,f=4.30)

    10.Li SM, Xu XL, Liu YY, Zhou ZF, Chen J., Dressing modification in the Laser-assisted proton-helium change exchange collision. Euro.Phys.J.D.2,237   (1998).(SCI, f=2.20)

    11.Hao L Y, Hou B H and Xu X L, Cathodoluminescence of silicon in the visible-ultraviolet region.Phys.Rev.B.57(20),12841(1998).(SCI,f=3.5)

    12.S.Fung,Y W.Zhao,X L Xu and X D Chen, Compensation defects in annealed undoped liquid encapsulated Czochralsky InP. J.Appl.Phys.86(2),951(1999).   (SCI, f=2.43)

    13.S.Fung, Y W.Zhao, and X L Xu, Thermally induced type conversion in n-type InP. J.Appl.Phys.86(4),2361(1999).(SCI, f=2.43)

    14.X L Xu, C D Beling, S Fung and Y W Zhao, Formation mechanism of a degenerate thin layer at the interface of GaN and sapphire. Appl.Phys.Lett.76(2), 152(2000). (SCI, f=4.30)

    15.许小亮,施朝淑。 纳米微晶结构ZnO及其紫外激光。物理学进展。(20)4,356(2000)(核心,为SCI定期收录)

    16.许小亮施朝淑。 GaN中的缺陷与杂质。物理学进展。(21)1,1(2001)(核心,为SCI定期收录)

    17.X. L. Xu, H. T. Liu and C. S. Shi, “Compansation and residual donors in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition as-grown GaN”.J.Appl.Phys.     90(11), 1095(2001) (SCI, f=2.43)

    18.X. L. Xu, C.X.Guo, C.S.Shi, “Annealing effect for surface morphology and luminescence of ZnO film on silicon”. Chemical Phys.Lett.364,57     (2002) (SCI,f=2.65)

    19.X. L. Xu et. al. “Photo-stimulated current spectroscopy and it’s application in Al+ implantation-induced deep traps in GaN”. Thin Solid Films 416, 294 (2002) (SCI,f=1.54)

    20.Xiaoliang Xu, Pei Wang, Zemin Qi et al, “Formation mechanism of Zn2SiO4 crystal and amorphous SiO2 in ZnO / Si system”, J.Phys: Conden.Mat.   15, L607-613(2003) (SCI, f=2.045)

    21.*Chuan-Ming Xu, Xiao-Liang Xu and Hong-Tu Liu. Defect-induced structure disorder in Tetragonal Cu(In1–xGax)5Se8/ ZnO thin films by Raman       spectroscopy:the effect of Ga addition.J. Phys:C M ,16,4149 (2004)(0/2)(SCI, f=2.045)

    22.*Chuan-Ming Xu, Xiao-Liang Xu, Jun Xu, Xiao-Jie Yang, Jian Zuo, Ning Kong, Wen-Hao Huang and Hong-Tu Liu. Composition dependence of the Raman A1   mode and additional mode in Tetragonal Cu-In-Se thin films. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 19,1201-6(2004) (SCI, f=2.215)

    23.*X.J Yang, X.Y. Miao and X.L.Xu, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and photoluminescence properties of highly ordered ZnO microrods. Optical Mater 27(10), 1602-6(2005)(SCI,f=1.56)

    24.Jiang, B. Guan,and X. L. Xu, Microstructure of Au film prepared by magnetron sputtering deposition. Chin.Phys.Lett.22(3),730-3(2005) (SCI,    f=2.215)

    25.*B. Guan and X.L. Xu, Review on the Fundamental Theory and Technology of Z-scan. J.Func.Met.(China)37(3), 474-7 (2006) (EI)

    26.X. L. Xu,L. Y. Wang,C. S. Shi, Photoluminescence property of Zn1-xMgxO films grown by RF magnetron sputtering J.Func. Met.(China)37(2),319-     321(2006) (EI)

    27.X. L. Xu, L. Lu, C. S. Shi, Photoluminescence and structure properties of Zn1-xMgxO films grown by RF magnetron sputtering. J.Phys:CM 18(4), 1189- 96 (2006) (SCI, f=2.045)

    28.Xiao-Liang Xu, Liao-Yuan Wang, Li-Feng Yan,Ming-Tao Yang,and Chao-Shu Shi,Characteristics of low lasing threshold Zn1-xMgxO films grown by RF   magnetron sputtering. Solid State Phenomena, 121-123,487-490 (2007) (SCI, f=1.58)

    29.*Liu Lu, Xiao-Liang Xu, Wen-Tao Liang and Hai-Fei Lu, Raman analysis of CdSe/CdS core–shell quantum dots with different CdS shell thickness. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 406221 (SCI, f=2.04)

    30.*Haifei Lu, Xiaoliang Xu, Liu Lu, Maogang Gong, Yansong Liu. Photoluminescence enhancement of ZnO microrods coated with Ag nanoparticles. J.    Phys.:Condens.Matter 20, 472202(2008) (SCI, f=2.045)

    31.*Maogang Gong, Xiaoliang Xu*, Zhou Yang, Yuanyue Liu, Haifei Lv, Liu Lv.Reticulate superhydrophobic self-assembly structure prepared by ZnO    nano-wires. Nanotechnology 20(16),165602-8 (2009) (SCI,f=3.51)

    32.Gong MG, Xu XL, Yang Z, Liu YS, Lv HF, Liu L, Structure, Photoluminescence and Wettability Properties of Well Arrayed ZnO Nanowires Grown by Hydrothermal Method, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (11): 7762-7765 (2010) (SCI f=1.574)

    33.Yang Z, Xu XL, Gong MG, Liu L, Liu YS, Wettability and formation mechanism of ZnO micro-spheres composed film, Chinese Physics B, 19 (12): 126103 (2010) (SCI)

    34.Gong MG, Liu YY, Xu XL,A new model for the formation of contact angle and contact angle hysteresis, Chinese physics B, 19 (10): Art. No. 106801 (2010) (SCI)

    35.Gong MG, Xu XL, Yang Z, Liu YS, Liu L, Superhydrophobic surfaces via controlling the morphology of ZnO micro/nano complex structure, Chinese Physics B, 19 (5): 056701 (2010) (SCI)

    36.Lu L, Xu XL, Shi CS, Ming H, Localized surface plasmon resonance enhanced photoluminescence of CdSe QDs in PMMA matrix on silver colloids with different shapes, THIN SOLID FILMS, 518 (12): 3250-3254 (2010) (SCI f=2.014)

    37.Zhou Yang, Xiaoliang Xu, Maogang Gong, Ling Liu, Yansong Liu, The wettability and formation mechanism of ZnO micro-spheres composed film, Chin. Phys.B, 19(12), 126103 (2010) (SCI)

    38.Zhou Yang, Zhiling Dun, Longqian Hu, Yang Wu, Hongying Feng, Yubo Qi, Yumeng and Xiaoliang Xu, “Fabrication and wettability studies of ZnO nano material modified paint coating”,Journal of Functional Materials, 42, 164 (2011) (EI)

    39.Ling Liu, Xiaoliang Xu, Jiemei Lei, Yansong Liu, Zhou Yang, Annealing structured Au nanoparticles enhanced light emission from CdSe quantum dots, Thin Solid Films 519 , 5582 (2011) (SCI)

    40.Liu Ling, Lei Jiemei, Liu Yansong, Yang Zhou, Xu Xiaoliang, Surface plasmon resonance from self-assembled Ag nanoparticles and its enhanced CdSe emission, Journal of Functional Materials, 42,771 (2011) (EI)

    41.Yansong Liu, Haifei Lu, Xiaoliang Xu, Maogang Gong, Ling Liu, Zhou Yang, Loacalized surface plasmons enhanced ultraviolet emission of ZnO films, Chinese Physics Letters, 28(05), 057803, (2011) (SCI)

    42.Zhang Richen, Liu Ling, Xu Xiaoliang, Synthesis and characteristics of multifunctional Fe3O4-SiO2-CdS magnetic-fuorescent nanocomposites, Chin.Phys.B, 20(08), 086101, (2011) (SCI)

    43.Lei Jiemei, Lu Liu, Liu Ling, Xu Xiaoliang, Preparation and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles of Fe3O4 coated with mesphorous SiO2, Acta.Phys.Sin. 60(01) 017501 (2011) (SCI)

    44.Ling Liu, Xiaoliang Xu, Jiemei Lei, Naiqiang Yin, Yizhi Wu, Nanostructured metal enhanced photoluminescence of micro-Sr2Si5N8:Eu2+ phosphors, Chinese Physics Letters, 29(1), 017801 (2012) (SCI)

    45.Ling Liu, Xiaoliang Xu, Jiemei Lei, Naiqiang Yin, Metal enhanced photoluminescence of near-infrared CdTexSe1-x quantum dots. Solid State Communications, 152 (2012) 1103–1107 (SCI)

    46.Zhou Yang, Qifeng Zhang, Junting Xi1, Kwangsuk Park,Xiaoliang Xu2, Zhiqiang Liang, and Guozhong Cao, CdS/CdSe Co-Sensitized Solar Cell Prepared by Jointly Using Successive Ion Layer Absorption and Reaction Method and Chemical Bath Deposition Process. Science of Advanced Materials, 4, 1013–1017(2012) (SCI f=3.308)

    47.LEI Jie-Mei, XU Xiao-Liang, LIU Ling, YIN Nai-Qiang, ZHU Li-Xin, Preparation and Characterization of Bimodal Magnetofluorescent Nanoprobes for Biomedical Application. CHIN.PHYS.LETT. 29( 9 ),(2012) 097803 (SCI)

    48.Yin Nai-Qiang, Liu Ling, Lei Jie-Mei, Liu Yan-Song,Gong Mao-Gang, Wu Yi-Zhi, Zhu Li-Xin, and Xu Xiao-Liang, Preparation and characterization of nontoxic magnetic-luminescent nanoprobe. Chin.Phys.B Vol. 21, No. 11 (2012) 116101 (SCI)

    49.Ling Liu, Xiaoliang Xu1, Yanxia Ye, Yaping Ma, Yansong Liu, Jiemei Lei, and Naiqiang Yin, Electrolysis Synthetic Silver Nanoparticles Enhanced Light Emission From CdSe Quantum Dots. Thin Solid Films,(2012),4:1013–1017 (SCI f=2.014)