Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Main Positions:Professor of Physics
Journal:Phys. Rev. Res
Abstract:The ongoing quest for understanding nonequilibrium dynamics of complex quantum systems underpins the foundation of statistical physics as well as the development of quantum technology. Quantum many-body scarring has recently opened a window into novel mechanisms for delaying the onset of thermalization by preparing the system in special initial states, such as the Z2 state in a Rydberg atom system. Here we realize many-body scarring in a Bose-Hubbard quantum simulator from previously unknown initial conditions such as the unit-filling state. We develop a quantum-interference protocol for measuring the entanglement entropy and demonstrate that scarring traps the many-body system in a low-entropy subspace. Our work makes the resource of scarring accessible to a broad class of ultracold-atom experiments, and it allows one to explore the relation of scarring to constrained dynamics in lattice gauge theories, Hilbert space fragmentation, and disorder-free localization.
Co-author:Guo-Xian Su et al.
Indexed by:Journal paper
Discipline:Natural Science
Document Type:J
Page Number:023010
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2023-04-05
Included Journals:SCI
Links to published journals:
Pre One:Scalable multipartite entanglement created by spin exchange in an optical lattice
Next One:Yan-Jun Xie, Han-Ning Dai, Zhen-Sheng Yuan, Youjin Deng, Xiaopeng Li, Yu-Ao Chen, and Jian-Wei Pan. Bayesian learning for optimal control of quantum many-body states in optical lattices. Physical Review A, 106(1):013316, 2022