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Zhen-Sheng Yuan

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  

Main Positions:Professor of Physics

Scientific Research

    Microscopic study on synthetic quantum matter of strongly correlated ultracold atoms in optical lattices

    Quantum simulation, Ultracold atoms in optical lattices, Lattice gauge theory, Strongly-correlated quantum matter, Microscopic manipulation and detection.


    Ultracold atoms in optical lattices constitute a highly controllable artificial quantum material that combines the advantages of parallel operations and microscopic manipulations. It serves as a bridge connecting the microscopic mechanisms of physics with macroscopic condensed matter and exotic topological phases, being the frontier of researches in quantum physics. In our research, we aim to fully leverage the advantages of this experimental system to conduct quantum microscopic studies based on artificially engineered strongly correlated quantum many-body states. Our investigations will address fundamental questions in quantum information physics, particle physics, and condensed matter physics, including the measurement and control of large-scale entangled states in optical lattices, quantum simulation of two-dimensional lattice gauge theories, and the study of transport phenomena in quantum many-body systems. By exploring these research areas, we will contribute to opening up avenues for solving complex many-body problems using artificial quantum systems, thereby pushing the advancement of quantum information processing and fundamental physics.

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