7. (with C. Burrin and U. Shapira) Translates of rational points along expanding closed horocycles on the modular surface, Math. Ann. 382 (2022), no. 1-2, 655–717.
Release time:2022-09-22
- Translation or Not:
- no
- Pre One:8. (with A. Ghosh and D. Kelmer) Effective density for inhomogeneous quadratic forms I: generic forms and fixed shifts, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2022, no. 6, 4682–4719.
- Next One:6. (with M. Alam and A. Ghosh) Quantitative Diophantine approximation with congruence conditions, J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux 33 (2021) no. 1, pp. 261-271.