的个人主页 http://faculty.ustc.edu.cn/yushuhong/zh_CN/index.htm
上一条: Shu-Hong Yu*, Yi-Tai Qian, “Soft synthesis of ceramic nanorods, nanowires, and nanotubes”. In “Self-Organized Nanoscale Materials”, Kluwer/Plenum, Edited by Motonari Adachi and David Lockwood, 2005, Chapter 3, pp. 101-158. ISBN 0-387-27975-X.
下一条: Shu-Hong Yu*, Helmut C?lfen, “Polymer Controlled Crystallization: Shape and size control of advanced inorganic nanostructured materials-1D, 2D nanocrystals and more complex forms”. In “NATO SCIENCE SERIES VOLUME: “Low-Dimensional Systems: Theory, Preparation, and Some Applications”, the NATO-ASI Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Edited by Luis Liz-Marzán, Michael Giersig, 2002, pp.87-102.