的个人主页 http://faculty.ustc.edu.cn/yushuhong/zh_CN/index.htm
上一条: Bo Hu, Shao-Feng Chen, Shu-Juan Liu, Qing-Song Wu, Wei-Tang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Controllable Synthesis of Zinc-Substituted -and β-Nickel Hydroxide Nanostructures and Their Collective Intrinsic Properties, Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14(29), 8928-8938.
下一条: Jie Chen, Chunyan Wu, Jinping Tian, Wenjie Li, Shu-Hong Yu*, and Yangchao Tian*, Three-dimensional imaging of nanoscopic superstructures in a complex concaved cuboctahedron copper sulfide crystal by x- ray nanotomography. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 92, 233104-233106. Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology. Highlighted by Nature China with title “Nanotomography: Crystal clear”. http://www.nature.com/nchina/2008/080625/full/nchina.2008.147.html; “High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Images of Nanoscale Crystal Structures” AZoNano.com: http://www.azonano.com/news.asp?newsID=7370