Zhiyuan Qi, Luning Chen, Shuchen Zhang, Ji Su* and Gabor A. Somarjai*. A mini review of cobalt-based nanocatalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Appl. Catal. A: Gen. 2020, 602: 117701.
发布时间:2024-02-25 点击次数:次
上一条:Benwu Xin, Wenke Gao, Zhonghai Ji, Shuchen Zhang, Liantao Xin, Lifen Zhao, Han Xue, Qianru Wu, Lili Zhang, Chang Liu, Jin Zhang and Maoshuai He*. Carbon fiber-promoted activation of catalyst for efficient growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 2020, 156, 410-415.
下一条:Luning Chen, Zhiyuan Qi, Shuchen Zhang, Ji Su* and Gabor A. Somarjai*. Catalytic hydrogen production from methane: A review on recent progress and prospect. Catalysts, 2020, 10(8): 858.