
Xiaoyuan Zhang, Bowen Mei, Siyuan Ma, Yan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Wei Li, Lili Ye, Yuyang Li*, Characterizing the fuel-specific combustion chemistry of acetic acid and propanoic acid: Laminar flame propagation and kinetic modeling studies, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021), 449-457..
Xiaoyuan Zhang, Jiabiao Zou, Chuangchuang Cao, Weiye Chen, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li*, Exploring the low-temperature oxidation chemistry of 1-butene and i-butene triggered by dimethyl ether, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021), 289-298..
Xiaoyuan Zhang*, S. Mani Sarathy*, A functional-group-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry – II: FGMech kinetic model construction and validation, Combustion and Flame, 227 ((2021), 510-525..
Xiaoyuan Zhang*, Kiran K. Yalamanchi, S. Mani Sarathy*, A functional-group-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry – I: Prediction of stoichiometric parameters for lumped pyrolysis reactions, Combustion and Flame, 227 ((2021), 497-509..
Xiaoyuan Zhang*, S. Mani Sarathy, A lumped kinetic model for high-temperature pyrolysis and combustion of 50 surrogate fuel components and their mixtures, Fuel, 286 (2021), 119361..
Xiaoyuan Zhang*, S Mani Sarathy, High-temperature pyrolysis and combustion of C5–C19 fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs): A lumped kinetic modeling study, Energy Fuel, 35 (2021), 19553-19567..
Xiaoyuan Zhang*, SP Moosakutty, RP Rajan, M Younes, S Mani Sarathy, Combustion chemistry of ammonia/hydrogen mixtures: Jet-stirred reactor measurements and comprehensive kinetic modeling, Combust. Flame, 234 (2021), 111653..
Xiaoyuan Zhang*, Chuangchuang Cao, Jiabiao Zou, Yang Li, Yan Zhang, Junjun Guo, Qiang Xu, Beibei Feng, S Mani Sarathy, Jiuzhong Yang, Zhandong Wang, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li*, Low-temperature oxidation chemistry of 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene (diisobutylene) triggered by dimethyl ether (DME): A jet-stirred reactor oxidation and kinetic modeling investigation, Combust. Flame, 234 (2021), 111629..
Xiaoyuan Zhang, Wei Li, Qiang Xu, Yi Zhang, Zhandong Wang*, S. Mani Sarathy*, A decoupled modeling approach and experimental measurements for pyrolysis of C6-C10 saturated fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), Combust. Flame, (2022), 111955..
Xiaoyuan Zhang*, Q Xu, C Xie, Q Di, B Liu, Z Wang, SM Sarathy*, A functional-group-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry–III: Application to biodiesels, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023), 85-94..