上一条:Shangquan Wu#, Xiaoli Liu#, Xiarong Zhou, Dayong Gao, Hong Liu*, Gang Zhao*, Qingchuan Zhang* & Xiaoping Wu. Quantification of cell viability and rapid screening anti-cancer drug utilizing nanomechanical fluctuation. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2016, 77, 164-173 (SCI, IF: 7.78) Top Journal
下一条:Dan Niu, Gang Zhao*, Xiaoli Liu, Ping Zhou, Yunxia Cao. Prevention of Osmotic Injury to Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells for Biopreservation: A first step towards biobanking of endothelial cells for vascular tissue engineering. 2016, Tissue Eng Part C - Methods, 22(3):270-279 (SCI, IF: 3.485)