[7]Lei, JA (Lei, Jiao); Liu, NA (Liu, Naian); Zhang, LH (Zhang, Linhe); Chen, HX (Chen, Haixiang); Shu, LF (Shu, Lifu); Chen, P (Chen, Pu); Deng, ZH (Deng, Zhihua); Zhu, JP (Zhu, Jiping); Satoh, K (Satoh, Kohyu); de Ris, JL (de Ris, John L.). Experimental research on combustion dynamics of medium-scale fire whirl, Proceedings of The Combustion Institute, 2011, 33(part II): 2407-2415 (SCI:698XR)
Release time:2021-07-27
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- Pre One:[6]Jiping Zhu* , Jingrui Jia, Jun Wu, Linhe Zhang, Jiajie Yao. An Modified Model of Direct Estimation Method for Fine Fuel Moisture Content Prediction by Considering Crown Density. The 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, 2012
- Next One:[8]Liu, N.A.; Liu Q.; Lozano Jesse S.; Shu L.; Zhang L.; Zhu J.; Deng Z.; Satoh K.; Global burning rate of square fire arrays: Experimental correlation and interpretation. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 32, Issue 2, 2009: 2519-2526 (SCI)