Correlation Between Fire Attendance Time and Burned Area Based on Fire Statistical Data of Japan and China
Release time:2021-07-23
- Impact Factor:
- 1.671
- DOI number:
- 10.1007/s10694-012-0306-5
- Journal:
- Correspondence Author:
- Zhu Jiping
- Document Code:
- 000334795000002
- Volume:
- 50
- Issue:
- 4
- Page Number:
- 851-872
- ISSN No.:
- 0015-2684
- Translation or Not:
- no
- Date of Publication:
- 2014-06-30
- Included Journals:
- Pre One:[11]Satoh, Kohyu; Zhu, Ji Ping; Liu, Naian; Yang, K.T., Experiments and analysis of interaction among multiple fires in equidistant fire arrays, Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, , HT 2005, vol. 1: 709-712
- Next One:Real-time evacuation path: unexpectedly increased numbers of evacuees in source nodes