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Paper Publications

Chen, G.L.; Yuan, C.C.; Liu,J.W.; Deng, Y.T.; Liu W.F.; Jiang,G.S.; Zhu, C.F. Low cost preparation of Cu2ZnSnS4 and Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1-x)4 from binary sulfide nanoparticles for solar cell application J. Powers Sources 262, 2014, 01-206.


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Pre One: Wang R.; Wei M.; Jiang G.S.; Liu W.F. and Zhu C.F. Study of the Preperation of SnSe Nanorods with Selenium Dioxide as Source, Chemistry Letters, 43, 2014, 693-695.

Next One:A comparative study of thermal annealing effects under various atmospheres on nano-structured CdS thin films prepared by CBD