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Administrative Position:科研部副部长(挂职)


Honors and Titles

2008 国家优秀留学生奖学金

2014 国家高层次人才计划项目


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Dr. Tao Chen is now a full professor at the Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Science & Technology of China (USTC). He obtained his PhD degree in 2010 from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). During his PhD study, he received the “Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad” Dr. Chen joined Prof. Changming Li’s group at Division of Bioengineering of NTU for one year postdoctoral research. In 2011, he moved to the Department of Physics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong working as a Research Assistant Professor. In 2015, he joined the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at USTC under a program “” for young professionals. Dr. Chen has published 100 papers, some of them published in Nature Energy, Nature Communications, Energy and Environmental Science, Journal of the American Chemical Society and so on, he was also invited to contribute two book chapters, and to sit on the Editorial Board Member of Journal of Semiconductors (2016-). In the past five years, he has secured grants from National Key Research and Development Program of China and state Key Program of National Natural Science of China.

Educational Experience

  • 2007-2010 南洋理工大学,博士

Work Experience

  • 2010-2011 南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore),博士后

  • 2012.11 台湾清华大学,访问学者

  • 2011-2015 香港中文大学,研究助理教授(Research Assistant Professor)

  • 2015-至今 中国科学技术大学,教授

Social Affiliations

  • 担任《中国材料进展》、Nano Research等期刊编委