蒋景华,现任中国科学技术大学物理学院物理系特任研究员,博士生导师。蒋景华博士2018年毕业于液晶(Liquid Crystals)发源地美国肯特州立大学液晶研究所。2022年回国,获中科院百人计划青年项目资助,2023年荣获安徽省百人和中国科学院百人计划B类择优支持。目前主持国家自然科学基金、安徽省自然科学基金、青年创新重点基金、双一流平台建设基金等多个科研项目。蒋景华博士长期从事活性软物质,在软材料智能自主设计(液晶物理、液晶光取向、胶体自组装、胶体运输、细胞与界面相互作用、软体机器人等)研究领域取得了一些成果,发表SCI论文22篇,其中以一作或通讯在国际期刊发表论文18篇,包括PNAS(3篇),Nature Communications(2篇 ), Science Advances(1篇),Advanced Healthcare Materials(1篇),ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(3篇),Advanced intelligent systems, Physical Review Applied 等等。作为召集人之一,2024年组织召开第七届中国液晶青年学者论坛,同年,作为分会召集人委员组织召开2024年秋中国物理学会液晶分会。担任《液晶与显示》青年编委,担任Nature Communications, Advanced Materials,Giant、Chemical Engineering Journal, Optics Express,Physical Review Applied等期刊审稿人。
1.Zhawure Asilehan#, Wentao Tang#, Jing Zhang, Zijun Chen, Ruijie Wang, Qingtian Shi, Ganlin Song, Jinghua Jiang*, Rui Zhang*, Chenhui Peng*,Light-driven dancing of nematic colloids in fractional skyrmions and bimerons,Nature Communications, 16, 1148 (2025)
2.Jing Zhang#, Wentao Tang#, Zhawure Asilehan#, Zijun Chen, Qingtian Shi, Fernando Vergara, Jinghua Jiang*, Rui Zhang*, Chenhui Peng*, Non-reciprocal chirality conversion in spatiotemporal evolutions of nematic colloidal entanglement, Science Advances, 11, eads7281(2025)
1.Jinghua Jiang, Oluwafemi Isaac Akomolafe, Xinyu Wang, Zhawure Asilehan, Wentao Tang, Jing Zhang, Zijun Chen, Ruijie Wang, Kamal Ranabhat, Rui Zhang* and Chenhui Peng*,Topology-driven collective dynamics of nematic colloidal entanglement,PNAS, 121, e2402395121 (2024)
2.Guodong Wang, Zihan Lei, Jinghua Jiang, Chenhui Peng, Chuang Li*,Complementing photothermal to photochemical actuation of assembled liquid crystal networks for wavelength-selective multimodal locomotion,Chemical Engineering Journal, 155254(2024)
3.Xinyu Wang#, Jinghua Jiang#, Juan Chen#, Zhawure Asilehan, Wentao Tang, Chenhui Peng* & Rui Zhang*, Moiré effect enables versatile design of topological defects in nematic liquid crystals, Nature Communications, 15, 1655 (2024).
1. Jinghua Jiang, X. Wang, O. Akomolafe, W. Tang, Z. Asilehan, K. Ranabhat, R. Zhang* and Chenhui Peng*, Collective transport and reconfigurable assembly of nematic colloids by light-driven cooperative molecular reorientations, PNAS, 120, e2221718120 (2023)
2. Juan Chen#; Jinghua Jiang#; Jada Weber; Vianney Gimenez-Pinto*; Chenhui Peng* ; Shape Morphing by Topological Patterns and Profiles in Laser-Cut Liquid Crystal Elastomer Kirigami, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(3): 4538-4548
1. Jinghua Jiang, K. Ranabhat, X. Wang, H. Rich, R. Zhang* and Chenhui Peng*, Active transformations of topological structures in light-driven nematic disclination networks, PNAS, 119, e2122226119 (2022).
2. Juan Chen, Oluwafemi Isaac Akomolafe, Netra Prasad Dhakal, Mahesh Pujyam, Omar Skalli, Jinghua Jiang* and Chenhui Peng*, Nematic Templated Complex Nanofiber Structures by Projection Display, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 7230, (2022)
3. Juan Chen, A. Johnson, J. Weber, Oluwafemi Isaac Akomolafe, Jinghua Jiang* and Chenhui Peng*, Programmable Light-driven Liquid Crystal Elastomer Kirigami with Controlled Molecular Orientations, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2100233, (2022)
1. Juan Chen, Oluwafemi Isaac Akomolafe, Jinghua Jiang* and Chenhui Peng*, Light-actuated Liquid Crystal Elastomer Prepared by Projection Display,
Materials 14, 7245, (2021)
1. Jinghua Jiang, Netra Prasad Dhakal, Yubing Guo, Christian Andre, Lauren Thompson, Omar Skalli and Chenhui Peng*, Controlled Dynamics of Neural Tumor Cells by Templated Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9, 2000487 (2020)
2. N. Dhakal#, Jinghua Jiang#, Yubing Guo and Chenhui Peng*, Self-assembly of Aqueous Soft Matter Patterned by Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks for Controlling Dynamics of Bacteria, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 13680 (2020)
3. N. Dhakal#, Jinghua Jiang#, Yubing Guo and Chenhui Peng*, Photo-Patterning DNA Structures with Topological Defects and Arbitrary Patterns through Multiple Length Scales, Physical Review Applied, 13,014026, (2020)
1. Jinghua Jiang, Deng-Ke Yang*, Self-Assembly of Liquid-Crystal Droplets in Cells With Patterned Indium Tin Oxide, Physical Review Applied, 11 (4), 044075, (2019)
1. Jinghua Jiang, Deng-Ke Yang*, Chirality differentiation by diffusion in chiral nematic liquid crystals, Physical Review Applied 7, 014014, (2017)
2. Jinghua Jiang, G. McGraw, R. Ma, J Brown, Deng-Ke Yang*, Selective scattering polymer dispersed liquid crystal film for light enhancement of organic light emitting diode,
Optics Express 25 (4), 3327-3335, (2017)
3. Jinghua Jiang, Deng-Ke Yang*, Bipolar to toroidal configuration transition in liquid crystal droplets, Liquid Crystals, 45, 102, (2017)
4. Jinghua Jiang, G. McGraw, R. Ma, J. Brown, Deng-Ke Yang*, Selective Scattering of PDLC film and Its Application in OLED, SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 48 (1), 727-730, (2017)