NI Jincheng

Personal Information

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Special Professor  
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  


Dr. Jincheng Ni  is a professor in the College of  Engineering Sciecne at University of Science and Technology of China. He works in the fields of femtosecond laser nanofabrication, photonic orbital angular momentum (OAM), and singular optics. So far, he has published more than 40 papers, including first-author publications in top-tier journals, such as Science, Nature Photonics, PNAS, Light, ACS Nano, and Nano Letters. These papers have more than 2600 citations and the h-index of 25. He serves as a Youth Editorial Board Member of Infrared and Laser Engineering. 

Educational Experience

2014.9 2019.4

  • Univeristy of Science and Technology of China
  • Engineering
  • Doctoral degree
  • Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Work Experience

2023.12 Now
  • Univeristy of Science and Technology of China
  • College of Engineering Science
  • Special Professor
2023.2 2023.11
  • Univeristy of Science and Technology of China
  • College of Engineering Science
  • Research Professor
2019.6 2023.2
  • National University of Singapore
  • Research Fellow

Social Affiliations