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    Postdoctoral job advertisement:

    Time: 2024 spring/autumn

    Place: University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China

    Title of the job: Special associate researcher / Postdoc

    Duration: 3+3 / 3 years

    Deadline: Until fully filled

    Condition: Excellent graduated PhD on geometric topology, high Teichmüller theory, representation theory, mathematical physics, mirror symmetry and other related topics.

    Salary: The salary is highly competitive and is commensurate with qualifications, contact me for more details.

    Some information in


    Application materials required (send to sunz@ustc.edu.cn):
    Cover letter (including names and emails of the reference letter writers),
    Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications),
    Research Statement,
    3 or more reference letters ( to be sent directly by the letter writers to sunz@ustc.edu.cn)