苏政副研究员,主任助理,课题组组长,骨科学科创新官。主要从事骨感染和免疫方面的研究。他于 2019 年在中国科学技术大学获得博士学位。博士期间前往英国Queen's University Belfast交流访问1年。完成博士后培训后,于 2022 年晋升为中国科学技术大学附属第一医院副研究员。有超过12年的研究经验,主要侧重于1)仿生制剂调节机体免疫治疗骨感染;2)细菌生物膜结构探索;3)细菌检测试纸开发。实验室有兴趣推进旨在阐明这些复杂相互作用的研究,以完善管理感染和免疫介导疾病的治疗策略,推动公共卫生安全建设发展。例如,解析细菌生物膜结构特性、了解病原体诱导的免疫机制、优化免疫调节佐剂、应对慢性感染、推进个性化医疗、加强公共卫生战略、开发抗菌检测试纸等。以第一作者在Science Advances、Drug Resistance Updates、Nature Communications等国际著名学术期刊上发表SCI论文14篇,以通讯作者在Nature Communications、Cell Reports Physical Science、ACS Nano、Biomaterials (2篇)、Research、Advanced Functional Materials (2篇)、Bioactive Materials (2篇)、Nano Today等国际著名学术期刊上发表SCI论文8篇。中国老年保健医学研究会老年骨与关节病分会全国委员。Scientific Reports编委,Frontiers in Immunology客座主编,入选Journal of Orthopaedic Translationd青年编委Tier1(医学1区)、Infectious Medicine青年编委、Burns & Trauma青年编委(医学1区)、Biomaterials Translational、Nano Transmed青年编委,审稿Nature Communications、eBioMedicine、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、ACS Nano、ACS Applied & Interface Materials、Advanced Science、Composite Part B、Carbohydrate Polymers等SCI期刊。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后基金面上项目、安徽省教育厅重点研发项目、中科大新医学培育项目等;参与科技部重点研发专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目、安徽省重点研发计划、安徽省临床转化重点专项、中科大新医学重点项目、大健康研究院先导专项等。获得首批安徽省省属公立医疗卫生机构引进高层次人才、合肥市D类高层次人才(市级领军人才)、中科大生医部年度十大科技进展提名、中国科学技术大学“墨子杰出青年特资津贴”一等。
【#】. Su Zheng#; Kong Lingtong#; Dai Yong#; Tang Jin*; Mei Jiawei; Qian Zhengzheng; Ma Yuanyuan; Li Qianming; Ju Shenghong; Wang Jiaxing*; Fan Wenpei*; Zhu Chen*, Bioresponsive nano-antibacterials for H2S-sensitized hyperthermia and immunomodulation against refractory implant-related infections. Science Advances 2022, 8 (14), eabn1701.
【#】. Su Zheng#; Kong Lingtong#; Mei Jiawei; Li Qianming; Qian Zhengzheng; Ma Yuanyuan; Chen Yue; Ju Shenghong; Wang Jiaxing*; Jia Weitao*; Zhu Chen*; Fan Wenpei*, Enzymatic bionanocatalysts for combating peri-implant biofilm infections by specific heat-amplified chemodynamic therapy and innate immunomodulation. Drug Resistance Updates 2023, 67, 100917.
【#】. Su Zheng#*; Xu Dongdong#; Hu Xianli#; Zhu Wanbo*; Kong Lingtong; Qian Zhengzheng; Mei Jiawei; Ma Ruixiang; Shang Xifu; Fan Wenpei*; Zhu Chen*, Biodegradable oxygen-evolving metalloantibiotics for spatiotemporal sono-metalloimmunotherapy against orthopaedic biofilm infections. Nature Communications 2024, 15 (1), 8058.
【#】. Hu Xianli#; Ma Ruixiang#; Zhang Peng#; Dong Jiale; Sun Jiaxuan; Wang Wenzhi; Liu Quan; Kong Lingtong; Zhang Xudong; Wang Zhengxi; Mei Jiawei; Shang Xifu; Zhu Wanbo*; Su Zheng*; Zhu Chen*, Biomimetic Metal–Organic Framework Combats Biofilm-Associated Infections via Hyperthermia-Enhanced Bacterial Metabolic Interference and Autophagy-Promoted Adaptive Immunity. Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 34, 2310509.
【#】. Zhengxi Wang#; Xudong Zhang#; Quan Liu#; Xianli Hu; Jiawei Mei; Jun Zhou; Xianzuo Zhang; Dongdong Xu*; Wanbo Zhu*; Zheng Su*; Chen Zhu*, Balancing bioresponsive biofilm eradication and guided tissue repair via pro-efferocytosis and bi-directional pyroptosis regulation during implant surgery. ACS Nano 2024, 18(20), 13196-13213
【#】. Kong Lingtong#; Hu Xianli#; Xia Demeng#; Wu Jianghong*; Zhao Yangpeng; Guo Hua; Zhang Song; Qin Chun; Wang Yanjun; Li Lei; Su Zheng*; Zhu Chen*; Xu Shuogui*, Janus PEGylated CuS-engineered Lactobacillus casei combats biofilm infections via metabolic interference and innate immunomodulation. Biomaterials 2025, 317, 123060.
【#】. Yang Ning#; Wu Ting#; Li Meng#, Hu Xianli; Zhang Xianzuo; Ma Ruixiang; Li Qianming; Jiang Wei; Su Zheng*; Yang Rong*; Zhu Chen*, Silver-Quercetin-loaded honeycomb-like Ti-based interface combats infection-triggered excessive inflammation via specific bactericidal and macrophage reprogramming. Bioactive Materials 2025, 43, 48-66.
【#】. Liu Quan#; Mei Jiawei#; Wang Zhengxi#; Zhang Xudong; Hu Xianli; Xu Dongdong; Zhou Jun; Li Qianming; Ma Ruixiang; Zhang Xianzuo; Su Zheng*; Zhu Wanbo*; Zhu Chen*, Nano-Fat Actuated Lipometabolic Reprogramming of Macrophages for Intracellular Infections in Biofilm Microenvironment. Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 2405852.
【#】. Xu Dongdong#; Hu Jun#; Mei Jiawei#; Zhou Jun; Wang Zhengxi; Zhang Xudong; Liu Quan; Su Zheng*; Zhu Wanbo*; Liu Hongjian*; Zhu Chen*, Nanoadjuvant-triggered STING activation evokes systemic immunotherapy for repetitive implant-related infections. Bioactive Materials 2024, 35, 82-98.
【#】. Dong Jiale#; Zhou Wei#; Hu Xianli#; Bai Jiaxiang*; Zhang Siming; Zhang Xianzuo; Yu Lei; Yang Peng; Kong Lingtong; Liu Mingkai; Shang Xifu; Su Zheng*; Geng Dechun*; Zhu Chen*, Honeycomb-inspired ZIF-sealed interface enhances osseointegration via anti-infection and osteoimmunomodulation. Biomaterials 2024, 307, 122515.
【#】. Li Zhenyu; Jia Guoqiang; Su Zheng; Zhu Chen, Nanozyme-Based Strategies against Bone Infection. Research 2025, 8, 0605.
【#】. Li Qianming#; Liu Quan#; Wang Zhengxi; Zhang Xianzuo; Ma Ruixiang; Hu Xianli; Mei Jiawei*; Su Zheng*; Zhu Wanbo*; Zhu Chen*, Biofilm Homeostasis Interference Therapy via 1O2-Sensitized Hyperthermia and Immune Microenvironment Re-Rousing for Biofilm-Associated Infections Elimination. Small 2023, 19, 2300592.
【#】. Zhang Xudong#; Wang Zhengxi#; Liu Quan#; Hu Xianli; Mei Jiawei; Xu Dongdong; Zhou Jun; Zhang Xianzuo; Li Qianming; Chen Hua; Su Zheng*; Zhu Wanbo*; Zhu Chen*, Targeted modulation and enhancement of macrophages via sonodynamic therapy-driven cupferroptosis-like stress for implant-associated biofilm infections. Nano Today 2024, 54, 102092.
【#】. Yang Jiazhao; Zhang Xudong; Lu Baoliang; Mei Jiawei; Xu Lei; Zhang Xianzuo; Su Zheng; Xu Wei; Fang Shiyuan; Zhu Chen; Xu Dongdong; Zhu Wanbo, Inflammation-Responsive Hydrogel Spray for Synergistic Prevention of Traumatic Heterotopic Ossification via Dual-Homeostatic Modulation Strategy. Advanced Science 2023, n/a (n/a), 2302905.
【#】. Mei Jiawei; Xu Dongdong; Wang Lingtian; Kong Lingtong; Liu Quan; Li Qianming; Zhang Xianzuo; Su Zheng; Hu Xianli; Zhu Wanbo; Ye Ming; Wang Jiaxing; Zhu Chen, Biofilm Microenvironment-Responsive Self-Assembly Nanoreactors for All-stage Biofilm Associated Infection through Bacterial Cuproptosis-like Death and Macrophage Re-rousing. Advanced Materials 2023, 35, 2303432.
【#】. Zhu Wanbo; Mei Jiawei; Zhang Xianzuo; Zhou Jun; Xu Dongdong; Su Zheng; Fang Shiyuan; Wang Jiaxing; Zhang Xianlong; Zhu Chen, Photothermal Nanozyme-based Microneedle Patch against Refractory Bacterial Biofilm Infection via Iron-actuated Janus Ion Therapy. Advanced Materials 2022, 34, 2207961.
【#】. Ma Yuanyuan; Su Zheng; Zhou Liming; He Liangcan; Hou Zhenyu; Zou Jianhua; Cai Yu; Chang Di; Xie Jinbing; Zhu Chen; Fan Wenpei; Chen Xiaoyuan; Ju Shenghong, Biodegradable Metal-Organic Framework-Gated Organosilica for Tumor Microenvironment-Unlocked Glutathione Depletion-Enhanced Synergistic Therapy. Advanced Materials 2022, 32, 2107560.
【#】. Ma Ruixiang; Hu Xianli; Zhang Xianzuo; Wang Wenzhi; Sun Jiaxuan; Su Zheng*; Zhu Chen*, Strategies to prevent, curb and eliminate biofilm formation based on the characteristics of various periods in one biofilm life cycle. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 2022, 12, 1003033.
【#】. Ye Xianzhu; Wang Hua; Zheng Kang; Wu Zhaofeng; Zhou Haifeng; Tian Konghu; Su Zheng; Tian Xingyou, The interface designing and reinforced features of wood fiber/polypropylene composites: Wood fiber adopting nano-zinc-oxide-coating via ion assembly. Composites Science and Technology 2016, 124, 1-9.
【#】. Su Zheng; Sun Daye; Zhang Li; He Miaomiao; Jiang Yulin; Millar Bronagh; Douglas Paula; Mariotti Davide; Maguire Paul; Sun Dan*, Chitosan/Silver Nanoparticle/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites with Multi-Drug Release, Antimicrobial, and Photothermal Conversion Functions. Materials 2021, 14 (9), 2351.
【#】. Su Zheng; Wang Hua*; Tian Xingyou*, Time and space dependence of large-scale synthesis of colloidal particle with special morphology and tuneable polymer film architecture. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 2019, 95, 102380.
【#】. Su Zheng; Wang Hua*; He Jing; Guo Yulan; Qu Qiqi; Tian Xingyou*, Fabrication of Thermal Conductivity Enhanced Polymer Composites by Constructing an Oriented Three-Dimensional Staggered Interconnected Network of Boron Nitride Platelets and Carbon Nanotubes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10 (42), 36342-36351.
【#】. Su Zheng; Wang Hua*; Tian Konghu; Huang Weiqi; Xiao Chao; Guo Yulan; He Jing; Tian Xingyou*, The combination of π-π interaction and covalent bonding can synergistically strengthen the flexible electrical insulating nanocomposites with well adhesive properties and thermal conductivity. Composites Science and Technology 2018, 155, 1-10.
【#】. Su Zheng; Wang Hua*; Tian Konghu; Huang Weiqi; Guo Yulan; He Jing; Tian Xingyou*, Multifunctional anisotropic flexible cycloaliphatic epoxy resin nanocomposites reinforced by aligned graphite flake with non-covalent biomimetic functionalization. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2018, 109, 472-480.
【#】. Su Zheng; Wang Hua*; Ye Xianzhu; Tian Konghu; Huang Weiqi; He Jing; Guo Yulan; Tian Xingyou*, Anisotropic thermally conductive flexible polymer composites filled with hexagonal born nitride (h-BN) platelets and ammine carbon nanotubes (CNT-NH2): Effects of the filler distribution and orientation. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2018, 109, 402-412.
【#】. Su Zheng; Wang Hua*; Ye Xianzhu; Tian Konghu; Huang Weiqi; He Jing; Guo Yulan; Tian Xingyou*, Synergistic enhancement of anisotropic thermal transport flexible polymer composites filled with multi-layer graphene (mG) and mussel-inspiring modified hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN). Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2018, 111, 12-22.
【#】. Su Zheng; Wang Hua*; Ye Xianzhu; Tian Konghu; Huang Weiqi; Xiao Chao; Tian Xingyou*, Enhanced thermal conductivity of functionalized-graphene/boron nitride flexible laminated composite adhesive via a facile latex approach. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2017, 99, 166-175.
【#】. Su Zheng; Wang Hua*; Ye Xianzhu; Tian Konghu; Huang Weiqi; Guo Yulan; He Jing; Tian Xingyou*, Non-covalent poly (2-ethylhexyl acrylate) (P2EHA)/functionalized graphene/h-boron nitride flexible composites with enhanced adhesive and thermal conductivity by a facilitated latex approach. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2017, 99, 176-185.
【#】. Su Zheng; Wang Hua*; Xu Fei; Tian Konghu; Wu Jingwei; Tian Xingyou*, Tunable composite architecture and homogeneous dispersion of charged SiO2 in polymer matrix assisted by poly(2-ethylhexyl acrylate) (P2EHA) latex prepared by self-assembly through electrostatic interactions. Rsc Advances 2016, 6 (7), 5621-5630.
【#】. Su Zheng; Wang Hua*; Tian Konghu; Xu Fei; Huang Weiqi; Tian Xingyou*, Simultaneous reduction and surface functionalization of graphene oxide with wrinkled structure by diethylenetriamine (DETA) and their reinforcing effects in the flexible poly(2-ethylhexyl acrylate) (P2EHA) films. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2016, 84, 64-75.