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肖华华教授发表高水平SCI收录论文80余篇,其中第一作者SCI论文20余篇及20余篇通讯作者论文,包括国际著名期刊美国科学院院刊PNAS 1篇,Combust Flame、Proc Combust Inst、Combust Theor Model、Int J Heat Mass Tran等国际燃烧、火灾及能源领域权威/高影响期刊20余篇;应国际著名出版社Springer邀请出版英文专著1部,并被国际氢能源学会专刊报道;应邀在国际流体力学顶尖期刊《流体力学年鉴》上合作撰写论文1篇。发现蓝色火旋风(Blue whirl)的研究以第一作者和通讯作者发表在PNAS上,先后被美国工程院、美国物理学会、美国自然基金、国际燃烧学会、美国科学人、经济学人等数十家国际权威机构和知名媒体报道,其本人接受了《纽约时报》和《自然历史杂志》等国际知名媒体专访;该论文被美国物理学家组织评为2016年度世界最具影响力的20篇科技论文之一,并被中国日报、搜狐网等广泛转载报道。
[1] Huahua Xiao*, Jumeng Fan. DDT run-up distance in uniform and non-uniform hydrogen–air mixtures in sparsely-obstructed channels. Combustion and Flame. 2025, 273: 113919.
[2] Huahua Xiao*, Zixian Chen. Effect of imposed circulation on the transition between blue whirls and fire whirls. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2024, 40: 105227.
[3] Huahua Xiao*, Ting Shen, Ting Si, Xisheng Luo. Three-dimensional shock-flame interactions: Effect of wall friction. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 2024, 28(5): 512-530.
[4] Huahua Xiao*, Zixian Chen, Xing Li, Xiaohan Wang. An experimental study of the blue whirl: Effect of fuel surface diameter. Combustion and Flame. 2024, 261: 113322.
[5] Mingbin Zhao, Dandan Liu, Min Li*, Huahua Xiao*. Effect of wall roughness on flame acceleration and deflagration-todetonation transition in a narrow channel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2024, 51: 880-893.
[6] Huizhen Li, Huahua Xiao*. Effect of H2 addition on laminar burning velocity of NH3/DME blends by experimental and numerical method using a reduced mechanism. Combustion and Flame. 2023, 257(2): 113000.
[7] Huizhen Li, Huahua Xiao*. Experimental study on the explosion characteristics of NH3/DME/air mixtures. Fuel. 2023, 352: 129069.
[8] Chunxiang Zhao, Xing Li, Xiaohan Wang, Min Li*, Huahua Xiao*. An experimental study of the characteristics of blended hydrogen-methane non-premixed jet flames. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2023, 174: 838-847.
[9] Huahua Xiao*, Xiaoxi Li. Experimental and numerical study of flame acceleration and DDT in a channel with continuous obstacles. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 2023, 27(4): 459-486. (期刊封面论文)
[10] Xiaoxi Li, Jizhou Dong, Kaiqiang Jin, Qiangling Duan, Jinhua Sun, Min Li* and Huahua Xiao*. Flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition in a channel with continuous triangular obstacles: effect of equivalence ratio. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2022, 167: 576-591.
[11] Huahua Xiao*, Huizhen Li. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of the laminar burning velocity of NH3/DME/air premixed flames. Combustion and Flame. 2022, 245: 112372.
[12] Zixian Chen, Zhiyang Liu, Lei Liu, Huahua Xiao*. Formation and flame characteristics of the blue whirl. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2023, 39(3): 3735-3743.
[13] Zhaorong Liu, Xiaoxi Li, Min Li, Huahua Xiao*. Flame acceleration and DDT in a channel with fence-type obstacles: Effect of obstacle shape and arrangement. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2023, 39(3): 2787-2796.
[14] Jumeng Fan, Huahua Xiao*. Flame acceleration and transition to detonation in non-uniform hydrogen-air mixtures in an obstructed channel with different obstacle arrangements. Fire Safety Journal. 2022, 133: 103660.
[15] Xiaoxi Li, Jizhou Dong, Kaiqiang Jin, Qiangling Duan, Jinhua Sun, and Huahua Xiao*. Flame acceleration and DDT in a channel with continuous triangular obstacles: Effect of blockage ratio. Combustion Science and Technology. 2022, 27(4): 459-486.
[16] Ting Shen, Huahua Xiao*. Numerical study of the stability of premixed flames propagating in half-open tubes. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 2022, 26(4): 774-795. (期刊封面论文)
[17] Huizhen Li, Huahua Xiao*, Jinhua Sun. Laminar burning velocity, Markstein length, and cellular instability of spherically propagating NH3/H2/Air premixed flames at moderate pressures. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 241: 112079.
[18] Dandan Liu, Zhaorong Liu, Huahua Xiao*. Flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition in narrow channels filled with stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 11052-11067.
[19] Min Li, Dandan Liu, Ting Shen, Jinhua Sun, Huahua Xiao*. Effects of obstacle layout and blockage ratio on flame acceleration and DDT in hydrogen-air mixture in a channel with an array of obstacles. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2022, 47(8): 5650-5662.
[20] Ting Shen, Min Li*, Huahua Xiao*. Propagation of premixed hydrogen-air flame initiated by a planar ignition in a closed tube. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2022, 47(7): 4903-4915.
[21] Fu-Hai Gou, Hua-Hua Xiao*, Lin Jiang, Mi Li, Man-Man Zhang & Jin-Hua Sun*. Upward flame spread over an array of discrete thermally-thin PMMA plates. Fire Technology. 2021, 57: 1381-1399.
[22] Xiaoxi Li, Huahua Xiao*, Qiangling Duan, Jinhua Sun. Numerical study of premixed flame dynamics in a closed tube: effect of wall boundary condition. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2021, 38: 2075-2082.
[23] Huahua Xiao*, Elaine Oran. Flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition in hydrogen-air mixture in a channel with an array of obstacles of different shapes. Combustion and Flame. 2020, 220: 378-393.
[24] Fuhai Gou, Huahua Xiao*, Lin Jiang, Mi Li, Wei Lu, Manman Zhang, Jinhua Sun*. Effects of equivalent diameter on vertical PMMA combustion in natural convection environment. Fire and Materials. 2020, 44(8): 1064-1071.
[25] Huahua Xiao*, Elaine S. Oran. Shock focusing and detonation initiation at a flame front. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 203: 397-406.
[26] Ali Tohidi, Michael J. Gollner, Huahua Xiao. Fire Whirls. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 2018, 50: 187-213.
[27] Huahua Xiao*, Jinhua Sun, Xuechao He. A study on the dynamic behavior of premixed propane-air flames propagating in a curved combustion chamber. Fuel, 2018, 228: 342-348.
[28] Huahua Xiao*, Qiangling Duan, Jinhua Sun. Premixed flame propagation in hydrogen explosions. Renewable &Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2018, 81: 1988-2001.
[29] Huahua Xiao*, Ryan W. Houim, Elaine S. Oran. Effects of pressure waves on the stability of flames propagating in tubes. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2017, 36: 1577-1583.
[30] Huahua Xiao*, Michael J. Gollner, Elaine S. Oran. From fire whirls to blue whirls and combustion with reduced pollution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 2016, 113: 9457-9462.
[31] Huahua Xiao, Ryan W. Houim, Elaine S. Oran. Formation and evolution of distorted tulip flames. Combustion and Flame. 2015, 162: 4084-4101.
[32] Huahua Xiao, Qiangling Duan, Lin Jiang, Xuechao He, Jinhua Sun. Effect of bend on premixed flame dynamics in a closed duct. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2015, 88: 297-305.
[33] Huahua Xiao, Xuechao He, Qiangling Duan, Xisheng Luo, Jinhua Sun. An investigation of premixed flame propagation in a closed combustion duct with a 90° bend. Applied Energy, 2014, 134: 248-256.
[34] Huahua Xiao, Jinhua Sun, Peng Chen. Experimental and numerical study of premixed hydrogen/air flame propagating in a combustion chamber. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 268: 132-139.
[35] Huahua Xiao, Qiangling Duan, Lin Jiang, Jinhua Sun. Effects of ignition location on premixed hydrogen/air flame propagation in a closed combustion tube. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(16): 8557-8563.
[36] Huahua Xiao, Zhanli Mao, Weiguang An, Jinhua Sun. Experimental and LES investigation of flame propagation in a hydrogen/air mixture in a combustion vessel. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(20): 2496-2504.
[37] Huahua Xiao, Qingsong Wang, Xiaobo Shen, Weiguang An, Qiangling Duan, Jinhua Sun. An experimental study of premixed hydrogen/air flame propagation in a partially open duct. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(11): 6233-6241.
[38] Huahua Xiao, Qingsong Wang, Xiaobo Shen, Song Guo, Jinhua Sun. An experimental study of distorted tulip flame formation in a closed duct. Combustion and Flame, 2013, 160(9): 1725-1728.
[39] Huahua Xiao, Xuechao He, Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun. Experimental and numerical study of premixed flame propagation in a closed duct with a 90° curved section. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 66: 818-822.
[40] Huahua Xiao, Weiguang An, Qiangling Duan, Jinhua Sun. Dynamics of premixed hydrogen/air flame in a closed combustion vessel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(29, 30): 12856–12864.
[41] Huahua Xiao, Dmitriy Makarov, Jinhua Sun, Vladimir Molkov. Experimental and numerical investigation of premixed flame propagation with distorted tulip shape in a closed duct. Combustion and Flame, 2012, 159(4): 1523-1538.
[42] Huahua Xiao, Qingsong Wang, Xuechao He, Jinhua Sun. Experimental study on the behaviors and shape changes of premixed hydrogen-air flames propagating in horizontal duct. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36(10): 6325-6336.
[43] 范菊梦,沈婷,刘丹丹,肖华华*. 浓度梯度对火焰加速和爆燃转爆轰的影响. 工程热物理学报. 2023, 44(1): 266-273.
[44] 李洪旭,肖华华*. 掺氢甲烷射流扩散火焰燃烧特性分析. 工程热物理学报.2023, 44(11): 3172-3182.
[45] 肖华华*,赵春祥.掺氢甲烷非预混射流火研究现状及展望.安全与环境学报. 2022, 22(6): 3094-3103.
[46] 沈婷,肖华华*. 激波与三维正弦扰动火焰相互作用的数值模拟研究. 工程热物理学报. 2022, 43(9): 2525-2530.
[47] 勾福海,肖华华*,李宓,孙金华. 强迫对流条件下固体层流燃烧理论研究. 工程热物理学报. 2022, 43(11): 3076-3082.
[1] Huahua Xiao. Experimental and numerical study of dynamics of premixed hydrogen-air flames propagating in ducts, Springer, Heidelberg, 2016. (Springer特邀出版)
[1] Huahua Xiao. Flame acceleration and DDT in a channel with an array of obstacles of different shapes.International Symposium of Explosion and Reactive Flow, Beijing, 2020.9
[2]肖华华. 可燃气爆燃向爆轰转变的CFD数值模拟方法. 中国公共安全大会, 北京, 2019.11
[3] Huahua Xiao. Shock focusing and detonation initiation at a flame front. International Symposium of Explosion and Reactive Flow, Beijing, 2019.11
[4] 肖华华. 可燃气体爆燃向爆轰转变的机制与数值模拟技术. 低沸点易燃介质储罐燃爆风险与安全防护专题研讨会, 青岛, 2019.5
[5] 肖华华. 火焰传播不稳定性、加速与爆燃向爆轰转变. 第五届全国青年燃烧学术会议, 北京, 2019.4
[6] Huahua Xiao. Achieving high-efficiency and low-emission in combustion with gaseous and liquid fuels. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Saudi Arabia, 2017.1
[7] Huahua Xiao. Simulations of flame acceleration and transition to detonation: How accurate are they? The 1st International Workshop on Near Limit Flames. Boston University, USA, 2017.7
[8] Huahua Xiao. Understanding newly discovered flames. University of New South Wales. Sydney, 2016.8
[9] Huahua Xiao. Michael Gollner. From fire whirls to blue whirls and combustion with reduced pollution. The 9th Annual Dupont Summit on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy. Washington DC, 2016.12