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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates



Electronic Science and Technology


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Research Field

1. Single spins with optical access
This project aims for optical cavity coupling between two or more single spins to achieve long distance coupling between two spins. The ultimate goal is find a way to build an integratable quantum computing platform with coupled spins, each of which can be read out and controlled individually.                                        

2. Quantum sensing with a single spin
In this project, a single ion or defect in solids can be used as atomic probe to detect the local electric field, strain, magnetic field, as well as another nearby charge and spin. This can be used to develop nano-scale sensor for microelectronics and to build coupled spin/charge quantum systems.                                        

3. New architecture for single spin detection
Towards the future, we are also working on designing and fabricating new architectures, that would allow us to implement this single ion spectroscopy on more types of defects with potentially higher sensitivity.