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Paper Publications
[31]127. M. Li, Y.-L. Zhang, X.-B. Xu, C.-H. Dong, G.-C. Guo, and C.-L. Zou✉, “Multicolor Continuous-Variable Quantum Entanglement in the Kerr Frequency Comb,” Adv. Quantum Technol. 2300158 (2023). see also arXiv:2101.07734.
[32]126. Y. Zhu, H. Su, P. Xu, Y. Xu, Y. Wang, C.-H. Dong, J. Lu, Z. Le, X. Yang, Q. Xuan, C.-L. Zou, and H. Ren✉, “Data Augmentation Using Continuous Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Regression and Its Application to Improved Spectral Sensing,” Optics Express 31, 37722-37739 (2023)..
[33]125. Z.-Y. Wang, P.-Y. Wang, S. Wan, Z. Wang, Q. Song, G.-C. Guo, and C.-H. Dong*, “Thermal Oscillation in the hybrid Si3N4-TiO2 Microring,” Optics Express 31, 4569-4579 (2023)..
[34]124. C. Zhang#, J. Wang#, G. Kang, J. Gao, Z. Qu, S. Wan, C. Dong, Y. Pan, and J. Qu, “Soliton microcomb assisted microring photonic thermometer with ultra-high resolution and broad range,” Photonics Research 11, A44-A53 (2023) (2023)..
[35]123. J. Wang#, C. Zhang#, J. Gao, S. Wan, C. Dong, Y. Shen, Y. Pan, Q. Han, K. Zhou, and J. Qu, “High-Resolution Photonic Temperature Measurement System Based on Frequency Locking of Microring Resonator,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 72, 7007005 (2023)..
[36]122. Y.-H. Yang#, X.-B. Xu#, J.-Q. Wang, M. Zhang, M. Li*, Z.-X. Zhu, Z.-B. Wang, C.-H. Dong, W. Fang, H. Yu*, G.-C. Guo, and C.-L. Zou*, “Nonlinear Optical Radiation of a Lithium Niobate Microcavity,” Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 034087 (2023). .
[37]121. Z.-B. Wang, C.-Y. Gu, X.-X. Hu, Y.-T. Zhang, J.-Z. Zhang, G. Li, X.-D. He, X.-B. Zou, C.-H. Dong, G.-C. Guo, and C.-L. Zou*, “Controllable atomic collision in a tight optical dipole trap,” Optics Letters 48, 1064 (2023)..
[38]120. H. Chen, Z.-Y. Wang, Y. Wang, C. Yu, R. Niu, C.-L. Zou, J. Lu, C.-H. Dong, H. Ren*, “Machine Learning-Assisted High-accuracy and Large Dynamic Range Thermometer in High-Q Microbubble Resonators,” Optics Express 31, 16781 (2023)..
[39]119. Z. Shen#, G.-T. Xu#, M. Zhang#, Y.-L. Zhang, Y. Wang, C.-Z. Chai, C.-L. Zou, G.-C. Guo, and C.-H. Dong*, “Coherent coupling between phonons, magnons and photons,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 243601 (2022)..
[40]118. J. Li#, Z.-H. Zhou#, S. Wan#, Y.-L. Zhang, Z. Shen, M. Li*, C.-L. Zou, G.-C. Guo, and C.-H. Dong*, “All-optical synchronization of remote optomechanical systems,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 063605 (2022)..
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Chun-Hua Dong
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