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Presentation List

•  C.-H. Dong#, L.-N. He#, Y.-F. Xiao, V. R. Gaddam, S. K. Ozdemir, and L. Yang, "Fabrication of high-Q PDMS optical microspheres with applications towards thermal sensing", accepted for presentation in CLEO/IQEC 2009.

•  L.-N. He, Y.-F. Xiao, C.-H. Dong, J. Zhu, V. Gaddam, and L. Yang, "Compensation of thermal refraction effect in high-Q toroidal microresonator by polydimethylsiloxane coating", accepted for presentation in CLEO/IQEC 2009.

•  Y.-F. Xiao#, C.-H. Dong#, C.-L. Zou, Z.-F. Han, L. Yang, and G.-C. Guo, "Microlasing in a high-Q deformed microcavity", oral contribution, ITCON conference, Greece 2008.

•  Y.-F. Xiao#, C.-H. Dong#, C.-L. Zou, Z.-F. Han, L. Yang, and G.-C. Guo, "Inherently directional lasing from a thermal-induced-deformation high-Q microcavity", oral contribution, CLEO Conference, USA 2008.

  • Chun-Hua Dong
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