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Paper Publications
[61]97. Y. Chen#, Y.-L. Zhang#, Z. Shen#, C.-L. Zou*, G.-C. Guo, and C.-H. Dong*, “Synthetic gauge field in a single optomechanical resonator,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 123603 (2021). see also arXiv:1908.04456..
[62]96. X. Xi, J. Ma, Z.-H. Zhou, X.-X. Hu, Y. Chen, C.-L. Zou*, C.-H. Dong*, and X. Sun*, “Experimental investigation of the angular symmetry of optical force in a solid dielectric,” Optica 8, 1435-1441 (2021). preprint arXiv:2004.09828..
[63]95. Xin-Xin Hu#, Zhu-Bo Wang#, Pengfei Zhang*, Guang-Jie Chen, Yan-Lei Zhang, Gang Li, Xu-Bo Zou, Tiancai Zhang, Hong X. Tang, C.-H. Dong*, G.-C. Guo, C.-L. Zou*, “Noiseless photonic non-reciprocity via optically-induced magnetization,” Nature Communications 12, 2389 (2021). see also arXiv:2009.09819..
[64]94. R. Niu, S. Wan, Z.-Y. Wang, J. Li, W. Wang, W. Zhang, G.-C. Guo, C.-L. Zou and C.-H. Dong*, “Perfect soliton crystals in the high-Q microrod resonator,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 33, 788 (2021). 10.1109/LPT.2021.3096645.
[65]93. R. Niu, S. Wan, J. Li, R.-C. Zhao, C.-L. Zou, G.-C. Guo, and C.-H. Dong*, “Fast spectroscopy based on a modulated soliton microcomb,” IEEE Photonics Journal 13, 6801204 (2021)..
[66]92. Jia-Qi Wang, Yuan-Hao Yang, Ming Li, Xin-Xin Hu, Joshua B. Surya, Xin-Biao Xu, C.-H. Dong, G.-C. Guo, Hong X. Tang, and C.-L. Zou*, “Efficient frequency conversion in a degenerate c(2) microresonator,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 133601 (2021)..
[67]91. Yulu Zhang, Jin Lu, Zichun Le, C.-H. Dong, Huan Zheng, Yali Qin, Peiqiong Yu, Weisheng Hu, Senior Member, C.-L. Zou and Hongliang Ren, “Proposal of unsupervised gas classification by multimode microresonator,” IEEE Photonics Journal 13, 5800111 (2021)..
[68]90. C.-Q. Yu, R. Niu, Z.-D. Peng, H. Li, Y.-M. Luo, T.-J. Zhou*, and C.-H. Dong*, “A current sensor based on capillary microresonator filled with Terfenol-D nanoparticles,” IEEE Photonics Technique Letters 33, 239 (2021)..
[69]89. Y.-J. Qian#, Q.-T. Cao#, S. Wan, Y.-Z. Gu, L.-K. Chen, C.-H. Dong*, Q.-H. Song*, Q. Gong, and Y.-F. Xiao*, “Observation of manifold in chaotic phase space of an asymmetric optical microcavity,” Photonics Research 9, 364 (2021)..
[70]88. Xiang Xi#, Jingwen Ma#, Shuai Wan, C.-H. Dong, and Xiankai Sun*, “Observation of chiral edge states in gapped nanomechanical graphene,” Science Advances 7, eabe1398 (2021)..
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Chun-Hua Dong
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