Xiaozhuo Qi, Tsz Wing Lo, Di Liu, Lantian Feng, Yang Chen, Yunkun Wu, Hongliang Ren, Guang-Can Guo, Dangyuan Lei* and Xifeng Ren*, Effects of gap thickness and emitter location on the photoluminescence enhancement of monolayer MoS2 in a plasmonic nanoparticle-film coupled system, Nanophotonics 9, 2097 (2020).
Pre One:Lin Li#, Zexuan Liu#, Xifeng Ren#, Shuming Wang#,*, Vin-Cent Su, Mu-Ku Chen, Cheng Hung Chu, Hsin Yu Kuo, Biheng Liu, Wenbo Zang, Guangcan Guo, Lijian Zhang*, Zhenlin Wang*, Shining Zhu*, and Din Ping Tsai*, Metalens-array-based high-dimensional and multi-photon quantum source, Science 368, 1487-1490 (2020). ESI Highly Cited Paper.
Next One:Aiping Liu, Mengze Wu, Rui Zhuang, Jingjing Hong, Qin Wang, and Xifeng Ren, On-chip generation of the reconfigurable orbital angular momentum with high order, Opt. Express 28(12), 17957-17965 (2020).