Zhang Songbo
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Name (Pinyin):Zhang Songbo
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Business Address:安徽省合肥市包河区金寨路96号 中科大物质科研楼B 0915
- Contact Information:songbozhang@ustc.edu.cn
- Degree:Dr
- Alma Mater:The University of Hong Kong
- Teacher College:School of emerging technology
- Discipline:Physics
No content
- Paper Publications
- D. Breunig,S.-B. Zhang,B. Trauzettel,T. M. Klapwijk.Directional electron filtering at a superconductor-semiconductor interface.Physical Review B,2021,103(16):165414.
- S.-B. Zhang,M. M. Denner,T. Bzdušek,M. A. Sentef,T. Neupert.Symmetry breaking and spectral structure of the interacting Hatano-Nelson model.Physcal Review B,2022,106(12):L121102.
- C.-A. Li*,S. B. Zhang*,J. C. Budich,B. Trauzettel.Transition from metal to higher-order topological insulator driven by random flux.Physical Review B,2022,106(08):L081410.
- W. B. Rui*,S.-B. Zhang*,M. M. Hirschmann,Z. Zheng,A. P. Schnyder,B. Trauzettel,Z. D. Wang*.Higher-order Weyl superconductors with anisotropic Weyl-point connectivity.Physical Review B,2021,103(18):184510.
- S.-B. Zhang,J. Zhou.Quantum oscillations in acoustic phonons in Weyl semimetals.Physical Review B,2020,101(08):085202.
- S.-B. Zhang,B. Trauzettel.Detection of second-order topological superconductors by Josephson junctions.Phys. Rev. Research,2020,2(01):012018(R.
- D. Breunig,B. Trauzettel,M. Stehno.S.-B. Zhang*.Influence of a chiral chemical potential on Weyl hybrid junctions.Physical Review B,2019,99(17):174501.
- S.-B. Zhang,F. Dolcini,D. Breunig,B. Trauzettel.Appearance of the universal value e2/h of the zero-bias conductance in a Weyl semimetal-superconductor junction.Physical Review B,2018,97(04):041116(R).
- C.-A. Li,S.-B. Zhang,S.-Q. Shen.Hidden edge Dirac point and robust quantum edge transport in InAs/GaSb quantum wells.Physical Review B,2018,97(04):045420.
- S.-B. Zhang,H.-Z. Lu,S.-Q. Shen.Linear magnetoconductivity in an intrinsic topological Weyl semimetal.New Journal of Physics,2016,18(05):053039.