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·Paper Publications
- [1] caoyang.A new closed loop method of super-resolution for multi-view images.MACHINE VISION AND APPLICATIONS,2014,25(7):1685-1695.
- [2] caoyang,caoyang.Digital Multi-Focusing From a Single Photograph Taken With an Uncalibrated Conventional Camera.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING,2013,22(9):3703-3714.
- [3] caoyang.Salient object detection and classification for stereoscopic images.MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,2016,75(3):1443-1457.
- [4] caoyang,caoyang.A Close-Form Iterative Algorithm for Depth Inferring from a Single Image.COMPUTER VISION-ECCV 2010, PT V,2009,6315729-742.