“Electron pairing without superconductivity”. Guanglei Cheng, Michelle Tomczyk, Shicheng Lu, Josh P. Veazey, Mengchen Huang, Patrick Irvin, Sangwoo Ryu, Hyungwoo Lee, Chang-Beom, Eom, C. Steve Hellberg, Jeremy Levy, Nature 521,196–199 (2015)
Pre One:“Micrometer-Scale Ballistic Transport of Electron Pairs in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Nanowires ”. Michelle Tomczyk, Guanglei Cheng, Hyungwoo Lee, Shicheng Lu, Anil Annadi, Joshua P. Veazey, Mengchen Huang, Patrick Irvin, Sangwoo Ryu, Chang-Beom Eom, Jeremy Levy, Physical Review Letters 117, 096801 (2016)
Next One:“Writing and Low-Temperature Characterization of Oxide Nanostructures”. Levy, A., Bi, F., Huang, M., Lu, S., Tomczyk, M., Cheng, G., et al, J. Vis. Exp (89), e51886, doi:10.3791/51886 (2014)