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Solid State Physics A

(Fall 2020)

Course description

This course aims to provide a basic introduction to solid state physics primarily for students majoring in physics at USTC.  Knowledge on quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and electromagnetism is prerequisite to take the course. Topics covered in this course include but not limited to crystal structures, lattice vibration, free electron model, energy bands and electron motion in crystals.



09/16/2020 First class begins. Classroom: 2506. Time: W/3,4, F/6,7

09/18/2020 Class room changed to 5307

01/11/2020 Suggested topics and template for term paper can be downloaded heretopics-in-solid-state-physics2.docx.

Lecture Notes

0,Introduction (09/16/2020, 09/18/2020)file1.pdf

1, Crystal Structure (09/18/2020)file2.pdf

2, Crystal Symmetry (09/23/2020)file3.pdf

3, Typical Crystals (09/28/2020)file4.pdf

4, Brillouin Zone (09/30/2020)file5.pdf

5, Experimental Study of Crystal Structures (10/09/2020)file6.pdf

6, Crystal Binding (10/14/2020 and 10/16/2020)file7.pdf

7, Classical Theory of Crystal Vibrations-planned (10/21/2020)file8.pdf

8, Phonons (10/23/2020)file9.pdf

9, Quantum Theory of Heat Capacity (10/28/2020)file10.pdf

10, Light Matter Interaction of Ionic Crystals (10/30/2020)file11.pdf

11, Anharmonic Effects in Crystals (11/04/2020)file12.pdf

12, Experimental Study of Lattice Vibrations (11/13/2020)file13.pdf

13, Drude and Sommerfeld Theories of Metals (11/13/2020,11/18/2020)file14.pdf

14, Specific heat and paramagnetism of metals (11/18/2020)file15.pdf

15, Hot carrier injection, volta potentail and AC conductivity (11/20/2020-11/27/2020)file16.pdf

16, Band Theory-Bloch theorem (12/02/2020)file17.pdf

17, Band Theory-Nearly free electrons (12/04/2020)file18.pdf

18, Band Theory-Nearly free electrons in 3D (12/09/2020)file19.pdf

19, Band Theory- Tight binding model (12/11/2020)file20.pdf

20, Band Theory- Kronig-Penny model(12/16/2020)file21.pdf

21, Band Theory- Calculation methods (12/16/2020)file22.pdf

22, Band Theory- Symmetries (12/18/2020)file23.pdf

23, Band Theory- Fermi surface and DOS (12/23/2020)file24.pdf

24, Bloch Electron Dynamics (12/25/2020)file25.pdf

25, Bloch Oscillations (12/25/2020)file26.pdf

26, Metals and insulators from band theory (12/25/2020)file27.pdf

27, Electron dynamics in external magnetic fields (01/06/2021)file28.pdf

28, Experimental study of band structures (01/08/2020)file29.pdf

29, Conductivity in metals (01/08/2020)file30.pdf


1, HW1  (due on 10/09/2020)file31.pdf

2, HW2  (due on 10/23/2020)file32.pdf

3, HW3 (due on 10/30/2020)file33.pdf

4, HW4  (due on 11/13/2020)file34.pdf

5, HW5  (due on 11/13/2020)hw5.pptx

6, HW6  (due on 11/20/2020)file35.pdf

7, HW7  (due on 11/27/2020)file36.pdf

8, HW8  (due on 12/04/2020)file37.pdf

9, HW9  (due on 12/11/2020)file38.pdf

10, HW10 (due on 12/18/2020)file39.pdf

11, HW11 (due on 12/25/2020)file40.pdf

12, HW12 (due on 01/06/2021)file41.pdf

13, HW13 (due on 01/19/2020)file42.pdf


1, Diamond 3D latticefile43.pdf

2, Di-atomic chain vibrations


3, Exciton Polariton


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  • 程光磊
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