Lecture Notes 0,Introduction (09/16/2020, 09/18/2020)file1.pdf 1, Crystal Structure (09/18/2020)file2.pdf 2, Crystal Symmetry (09/23/2020)file3.pdf 3, Typical Crystals (09/28/2020)file4.pdf 4, Brillouin Zone (09/30/2020)file5.pdf 5, Experimental Study of Crystal Structures (10/09/2020)file6.pdf 6, Crystal Binding (10/14/2020 and 10/16/2020)file7.pdf 7, Classical Theory of Crystal Vibrations-planned (10/21/2020)file8.pdf 8, Phonons (10/23/2020)file9.pdf 9, Quantum Theory of Heat Capacity (10/28/2020)file10.pdf 10, Light Matter Interaction of Ionic Crystals (10/30/2020)file11.pdf 11, Anharmonic Effects in Crystals (11/04/2020)file12.pdf 12, Experimental Study of Lattice Vibrations (11/13/2020)file13.pdf 13, Drude and Sommerfeld Theories of Metals (11/13/2020,11/18/2020)file14.pdf 14, Specific heat and paramagnetism of metals (11/18/2020)file15.pdf 15, Hot carrier injection, volta potentail and AC conductivity (11/20/2020-11/27/2020)file16.pdf 16, Band Theory-Bloch theorem (12/02/2020)file17.pdf 17, Band Theory-Nearly free electrons (12/04/2020)file18.pdf 18, Band Theory-Nearly free electrons in 3D (12/09/2020)file19.pdf 19, Band Theory- Tight binding model (12/11/2020)file20.pdf 20, Band Theory- Kronig-Penny model(12/16/2020)file21.pdf 21, Band Theory- Calculation methods (12/16/2020)file22.pdf 22, Band Theory- Symmetries (12/18/2020)file23.pdf 23, Band Theory- Fermi surface and DOS (12/23/2020)file24.pdf 24, Bloch Electron Dynamics (12/25/2020)file25.pdf 25, Bloch Oscillations (12/25/2020)file26.pdf 26, Metals and insulators from band theory (12/25/2020)file27.pdf 27, Electron dynamics in external magnetic fields (01/06/2021)file28.pdf 28, Experimental study of band structures (01/08/2020)file29.pdf 29, Conductivity in metals (01/08/2020)file30.pdf |
Homework 1, HW1 (due on 10/09/2020)file31.pdf 2, HW2 (due on 10/23/2020)file32.pdf 3, HW3 (due on 10/30/2020)file33.pdf 4, HW4 (due on 11/13/2020)file34.pdf 5, HW5 (due on 11/13/2020)hw5.pptx 6, HW6 (due on 11/20/2020)file35.pdf 7, HW7 (due on 11/27/2020)file36.pdf 8, HW8 (due on 12/04/2020)file37.pdf 9, HW9 (due on 12/11/2020)file38.pdf 10, HW10 (due on 12/18/2020)file39.pdf 11, HW11 (due on 12/25/2020)file40.pdf 12, HW12 (due on 01/06/2021)file41.pdf 13, HW13 (due on 01/19/2020)file42.pdf
Animations 1, Diamond 3D latticefile43.pdf 2, Di-atomic chain vibrations 172---phonons.mp4 3, Exciton Polariton semiconductor-exciton-polaritons.mp4 |