"Towards Oxide Electronics: a Roadmap" M. Coll et al., (EU COST Action) Applied Surface Science, 482, 1 (2019)
Pre One:"Strong Aharonov-Bohm quantum interference in simply connected LaAlO3/SrTiO3 structures" Patrick Irvin et al., Physics Review B 100, 161103(R) (2019)
Next One:“Quantized Ballistic Transport of Electrons and Electron Pairs in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Nanowires”. Anil Annadi, Guanglei Cheng, Hyungwoo Lee, Jung-Woo Lee, Shicheng Lu, Anthony Tylan-Tyler, Megan Briggeman, Michelle Tomczyk, Mengchen Huang, David Pekker, Chang-Beom Eom, Patrick Irvin, and Jeremy Levy Nano Letters 18, 7, 4473-4481(2018)