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Associate researcher



Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology of China


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I received Ph.D. in optics from University of Science and Technology of China in 2014. I am currently an Associate Professor of physics department at University of Science and Technology of China. My research interest focuses on the high spatial resolution quantum sensing and imaging with solid-state spins. My works in the combination of the light field modulation and spin qubit manipulation have  realized quantum sensing with diffraction unlimited spatial resolution, based on the nitrogen-vacancy color center in diamond. I study the technique of nanoscale light-field localization and transmission for integrated spin qubit manipulation, to improve the sensitivity and stability of quantum sensing. I recently explore the usage of high spatial resolution quantum sensing in characterizing the phase change of nano material, high accuracy microwave detection and ranging with solid-state spins. My works have been published in more than 50 journal papers. The relative techniques have been applied for current detection in the electric power transportation, promote the development of practical quantum sensing for applications in fundamental researches and industrial applications.

Educational Experience

  • 2009.9 -- 2014.6

    中国科学技术大学       光学       研究生       Dr

  • 2005.9 -- 2009.6

    华中师范大学       物理学       本科       bachelor's degree