- 03/02/2023: Jiahua Xu's Thesis "Perceptual quality assessment of omnidirectional images" won Best Master Thesis Award of Anhui Province, congratulation to Jiahua.
- 02/28/2023: Four paper accepted by CVPR 2023, congratulation to Runsen Feng, Tao Yu, Shiqi Lin and Xin Li.
- 01/23/2023: One paper "Versatile Neural Processes for Learning Implicit Neural Representations" accepted by ICLR 2023, congratulation to Zongyu.
- 11/15/2022: Two Papers accepted by AAAI 2023 as Oral presentations, congratulation to Shiqi and Guoqiang
- 10/15/2022: Two Paper accepted by VCIP 2022, congratulation to Guangqi and Xiaoshuai.
- 09/15/2022: One Paper "Mask-based Latent Reconstruction for Reinforcement Learning" accepted by NeurIPS 2022, congratulation to Tao Yu.
- 09/10/2022: Two Ph.D students from IMCL group achieve ACM China SIGMM and SIGAI Best Thesis Award, congratulation to Wei Zhou and Xin JIn.
- 07/05/2022: One paper "LIQA: Lifelong Blind Image Quality Assessment" accepted by IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Congratulation to Jianzhao Liu.
- 07/04/2022: One paper "Image Coding for Machines with Omnipotent Feature Learning" accepted by ECCV, 2022, Congratulation to Ruoyu Feng.
- 06/28/2022: Two papers accepted by ACM Multimedia, 2022, Congratulation to Jun Fu and Xin Jin.