

- John Lund, Jianchun Dong, Zhaoxiang Deng, Chengde Mao, Babak A Parviz, "Electrical conduction in 7 nm wires constructed on lambda-DNA", Nanotechnology, 17, 2752~2757, 2006
- Zhaoxiang Deng, Yi Chen, Ye Tian, Chengde Mao, "A fresh look at DNA nanotechnology", an invited review in Nanotechnology: Science and Computation (eds. J. Chen; N. Jonoska & G. Rozenberg, Springer, 2006), pp23~34
- Bin Fei, Zhaoxiang Deng, John H. Xin, Yihe Zhang, Geoffrey Pang, "Room temperature synthesis of rutile nanorods and their applicatioins on cloth", Nanotechnology, 17, 1927~1931, 2006
- Yu He, Ye Tian, Yi Chen, Zhaoxiang Deng, Alexander E. Ribbe, Chengde Mao, "Sequence symmetry as a hayvan pornosutool for designing DNA nanostructures", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44, 6694~6696, 2005
- Zhao-Xiang Deng, Seung-Hyun Lee, Chengde Mao, "DNA as nanoscale building blocks", J. Nanosci. & Nanotechnol. 5 (12), 1954~1963, 2005
- Zhao-Xiang Deng, Ye Tian, Seung-Hyun Lee, Alexander E. Ribbe, Chengde Mao, "DNA-Encoded Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles into One-Dimensional Arrays", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44, 3582~3585, 2005
- Dan Shu, Wulf-Dieter Moll, Zhaoxiang Deng, Chengde Mao, Peixuan Guo, "Bottom-up assembly of RNA arrays and superstructures as potential parts in nanotechnology", Nano Lett. 4(9), 1717~1723, 2004
- Zhaoxiang Deng, Chengde Mao, "Hexagonally Oriented CdCl2.H2O Nanorod Assembly: Formation and Replication", Langmuir, 20, 8078~8082, 2004
- Zhaoxiang Deng, Chengde Mao, "Molecular lithography with DNA nanostructures", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (Cover & VIP paper), 43, 4068~4070, 2004
- Dage Liu, Mingsheng Wang, Zhaoxiang Deng, Richard Walulu, Chengde Mao, "Tensegrity: Construction of Rigid DNA Triangles with Flexible Four-Arm DNA Junctions", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126(8), 2324~2325, 2004
- Zhao-Xiang Deng, Zhong-Hua Tong, Xiang-Qin Lin, "Global evaluation of linear sweep voltammetric responses with electroactive species confined at the electrode surface", J. Electroanal. Chem. 568, 235~245, 2004
- Zhao-Xiang Deng, Wenfeng Qiu, Weijia Li, Yadong Li, "Cyclotrimerization of nitriles catalyzed by Li3N", Chinese Sci Bull. 49(2), 127~130, 2004
- Zhao-Xiang Deng, Chengde Mao, "DNA-templated Fabrication of 1D-Parallel and 2D-Crossed Metallic Nanowire Arrays", Nano Lett. (MRS research/researchers), 3(11), 1545~1548, 2003
- Zhao-Xiang Deng, Libo Li, Yadong Li, "Novel inorganic-organic-layered structures: Crystallographic understanding of both phase and morphology formations of CdE (E=S, Se, Te) nanorods in ethylenediamine", Inorg. Chem. 42(7), 2331~2341, 2003
- Zhao-Xiang Deng, Cheng Wang, Yadong Li, Xiaoming Sun, "Structure-directing coordination template effect of ethylenediamine in formations of ZnS and ZnSe nanocrystallites via solvothermal route", Inorg. Chem. 41(4), 869~873, 2002