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29. 陈至仪,邓正宾,F., Moynier. 锑挥发过程中的同位素分馏研究. 第十三届全国同位素地质年代学与同位素地球化学学术讨论会(中国西安)

28. 黄文夏,邓正宾. 利用金红石U-Pb定年研究中铁陨石母体热演化历史. 第十三届全国同位素地质年代学与同位素地球化学学术讨论会(中国西安)

27. 田元元,邓正宾. 硅同位素对碳质球粒陨石球粒-基质互补性的指示. 第十三届全国同位素地质年代学与同位素地球化学学术讨论会(中国西安)

26. 邓正宾. 钛同位素对类地行星体幔部初始氧逸度条件的约束. 第十三届全国同位素地质年代学与同位素地球化学学术讨论会(中国西安)

25. C.J., Rundhaug, M., Schiller, K., Larsen, Z., Deng, H., Bermudez, M., Bizzarro, Y., Cui (2023) Uncovering the physiochemical conditions in the Chicxulub impact plume. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France.

24. K.E., Grant, Z., Deng, D., Rigoussen, M.O., Garcia, O., Chadwick, F., Moynier, L., Derry (2023) Refractory element and titanium isotope constraints on volcanic parent material variability and elemental mobility in the Critical Zone. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France.

23. M., Guitreau, A., Gannoun, Z., Deng, M., Chaussidon, F., Moynier, B., Barbarin, J., Marin-Carbonne (2023) Tracking granitic magma origin and evolution using stable silicon isotopes in zircon. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France.

22. H., Sun, M., Chaussidon, F., Robert, S., Tian, Z., Deng, F., Moynier (2023) Triple silicon isotope insight to the formation of Precambrian charts. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France.

21. C.J., Rundhaug, M., Schiller, K.K., Larsen, Z., Deng, H.D., Bermúdez, E., Amsellem, M., Bizzarro, Y., Cui (2022) Projectile fingerprint preserved in Mg and Ca isotope variations in Chixulub impact spherules. 85th Annual Meetings of the Meteoritical Society, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

20. H., Liu, W., Zhang, Z., Deng, Z., Hu, M., Schiller, M., Bizzarro, T., Luo, Y., Feng, L., Feng (2022) Determination of Ti isotopes in rutiles with high spatial resolution by femtosecond laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Goldschmidt, Hawaii, USA.

19. I.J., Onyett, M., Schiller, Z., Deng, A., Johansen, M., Bizzarro (2022) Accretion history of terrestrial planets inferred from their silicon isotope compositions. Goldschmidt, Hawaii, USA.

18. B., Luais, Z., Deng, J., Villeneuve, D., Cividini (2021) Germanium and silicon isotope investigations in Main-Group and Eagle Station pallasites. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France.

17. L.A., Derry, K.E., Grant, Z., Deng, F., Moynier (2021) Refractory element and Ti isotope constraints on parent material variability and elemental mobility in the Critical Zone. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France.

16. M., Chaussidon, Z., Deng, D., Ebel, J., Villeneuve, J., Moureau, F., Moynier (2021) Triple magnesium isotope constraints on the origin of chondrules. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France.

15. H., Sun, M., Chaussidon, S., Tian, F., Robert, Z., Deng, F., Moynier (2021) Triple silicon isotope constraints on the formation of Precambrian cherts. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France.

14. M., Guitreau, A., Gannoun, Z., Deng, J., Marin-Carbonne, M., Chaussidon, F., Moynier (2020) Silicon isotope systematics of zircon from various granite types. Goldschmidt.

13. M., Chaussidon, R., Martins Pimentel, Z., Deng, F., Moynier (2020) Mass-dependent silicon isotope fractionation among Allende components: Implications on genetic relationships and complementarity. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

12. F., Robert, R., Tartèse, G. Lombardi, P., Reinhardt, M., Roskosz, B., Doisneau, Z., Deng, M., Chaussidon (2020) Mass-independent fractionation of titanium isotopes in plasma. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

11. Z., Deng, F., Moynier, J., Villeneuve, N. K., Jensen, D., Liu, J., Siebert, M., Chaussidon, M., Bizzarro (2019) Early oxidation of Martian crust triggered by impacts. AGU Fall Meeting abstract (Oral presentation invited).

10. Z., Deng, M., Chaussidon, M., Guitreau, I. S., Puchtel, N., Dauphas, F., Moynier (2019) An oceanic subduction origin for Archean granitoids as evidenced by silicon isotopes. Goldschmidt, Barcelona, Spain (Oral presentation).

9. Z., Deng, M., Chaussidon, F., Moynier, J. Siebert (2019) Contribution of Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (Univ. de Paris) in lunar sciences and instrumental implementation for future returned samples from Chang'e Mission. CNSA (LESEC) - ESA International Lunar Research Team Workshop, Zhuhai, China (Oral presentation).

8. Z., Deng, F., Moynier, M., Chaussidon, M., Bizzarro (2018) Using titanium isotopes to trace magma ocean evolutions of the moon and Mars. CNSA (LESEC) - ESA Lunar Science Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherland (Oral presentation).

7. E., Inglis, F., Moynier, J., Creech, P., Savage, Z., Deng (2018) Stable Zr isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiation: Insights into the evolution of Earth's crust. Goldschmidt, Boston, USA.

6. Z., Deng, M., Chaussidon, P., Savage, F., Robert, F., Moynier (2018) The Earth's transition from stagnant lid to plate tectonics: Constraints from titanium isotopes. Goldschmidt, Boston, USA (Oral presentation).

5. Z., Deng, F., Moynier, K., van Zuilen, P. A., Sossi, E. A., Pringle, M., Chaussidon (2017) The titanium stable isotopic composition of chondrites and Earth: Implication for continental crust extraction. Goldschmidt, Paris, France (Oral presentation).

4. Z., Deng, M., Chaussidon, J., Moureau, F., Moynier (2017) Mg isotope constraints on the origin of Mg-rich olivines and mesostasis phases from Allende chondrules. Chondrules and Protoplanetary Disk workshop, London, UK (Oral presentation).

3. Z., Deng, D. S., Ebel, M., Gemma, F., Moynier, M., Chaussidon (2017) Contrasting Mg isotopic signatures in Leoville (CV3r) chondrules. 80th Annual Meetings of the Meteoritical Society, Santa Fe, NM, USA (Oral presentation by D. S. Ebel).

2. Z., Deng, M. Chaussidon, J., Moureau, F., Moynier (2016) Magnesium isotope constraints on the origin of olivines from Mg-rich Allende chondrules. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (Poster presentation).

1. Z., Deng, F., Moynier, K., van Zuilen, E. A., Pringle, M., Chaussidon (2016) A search for titanium stable isotopic variations in meteorites and the Earth. 79th Annual Meetings of the Meteoritical Society, Berlin, Germany (Poster presentation).