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[1] 粒子物理理论
[1] dingguijun,dingguijun.Bilarge neutrino mixing and Abelian flavor symmetry.PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2013,87(5):
[2] dingguijun,Neutrino mass and mixing with A(5) modular symmetry.PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2019,100(11):
[3] dingguijun,dingguijun.Generalized CP and Delta(96) family symmetry.PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2014,89(9):
[4] dingguijun,dingguijun.Lepton flavor violation in models with A(4) and S-4 flavor symmetries.JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS,2010,(5):
[5] dingguijun,dingguijun.Generalized CP and Delta(3n(2)) family symmetry for semidirect predictions of the PMNS matrix.PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2016,93(2):
[6] dingguijun,dingguijun.Predicting lepton flavor mixing from Delta(48) and generalized CP symmetries.CHINESE PHYSICS C,2015,39(2):7-12.
[7] dingguijun,dingguijun.Signals of unparticles in low energy parity violation and the NuTeV experiment.PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2008,78(7):
[8] dingguijun,Modular S-4 and A(4) symmetries and their fixed points: new predictive examples of lepton mixing.JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS,2019,(12):
[9] dingguijun,Lepton mixing predictions from S-4 in the tridirect CP approach to two right-handed neutrino models.PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2019,99(7):
[10] dingguijun,dingguijun.Spontaneous CP violation from vacuum alignment in S-4 models of leptons.JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS,2013,(5):
[1] 中微子质量起源及相关新物理的理论研究,进行,
[2] 夸克和轻子味混合起源的理论研究,进行,
[3] 粒子物理,进行,
[4] 分立味对称性研究,完成,
[5] 新强子态研究,完成,
[6] 分立味对称性研究,进行,
[7] 费米子味混合何CP破坏物理起源研究,进行,